--- a/pyforge/push_re.py
+++ b/pyforge/push_re.py
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
CP.read(os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], '.forgepushrc'))
engineer = option('re', 'engineer', 'Name of engineer pushing: ')
text, tag = make_ticket_text(engineer)
- print '*** Create a ticket on NewForge with the following contents:'
+ print '*** Create a ticket on SourceForge (https://sourceforge.net/p/allura/tickets/new/) with the following contents:'
print '*** Summary: Production Push (R:%s, D:%s)' % (
tag, date.today().strftime('%Y%m%d'))
print '---BEGIN---'
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
print '---END---'
raw_input("Verify that there are no new dependencies, or RPM's are build for all deps...")
raw_input("Verify that a new sandbox builds starts without engr help...")
- raw_input('When this is done, create a JIRA ticket with the same contents...')
+ raw_input('When this is done, create a JIRA ticket (https://engr.geek.net/jira/secure/CreateIssue!default.jspa) with the same contents...')
raw_input('Now link the two tickets...')
newforge_num = raw_input('What is the newforge ticket number? ')
command('git', 'tag', '-a', '-m', '[#%s] - Push to RE' % newforge_num, tag, 'master')
@@ -55,11 +55,11 @@
needs_flyway = raw_input('Does this release require a migration? [y]')
if needs_reactor_setup[:1].lower() in ('y', '1'):
postlaunch.append('* service reactor stop')
- postlaunch.append('* paster reactor_setup /var/local/config/production.ini')
+ postlaunch.append('* allurapaste reactor_setup /var/local/config/production.ini')
postlaunch.append('* service reactor start')
if needs_flyway[:1].lower() in ('', 'y', '1'):
prelaunch.append('* dump the database in case we need to roll back')
- postlaunch.append('* paster flyway --url mongo://sfn-mongo-1:27017/')
+ postlaunch.append('* allurapaste flyway --url mongo://sfn-mongo-1:27017/')
if postlaunch:
postlaunch = [ 'From sfu-scmprocess-1 do the following:\n' ] + postlaunch
postlaunch = '\n'.join(postlaunch)