--- a/Allura/allura/lib/search.py
+++ b/Allura/allura/lib/search.py
@@ -18,12 +18,17 @@
import re
import socket
from logging import getLogger
+from urllib import urlencode
+from itertools import imap
import markdown
import jinja2
+from tg import redirect, url
from pylons import tmpl_context as c, app_globals as g
+from pylons import request
from pysolr import SolrError
+from allura.lib import helpers as h
from .markdown_extensions import ForgeExtension
log = getLogger(__name__)
@@ -83,6 +88,104 @@
return search(q, fq=fq, rows=rows, short_timeout=short_timeout, ignore_errors=False, **kw)
+def search_app(q='', fq=None, **kw):
+ """Helper for app search.
+ Uses dismax query parser. Matches on `title` and `text`. Handles paging, sorting, etc
+ """
+ history = kw.pop('history', None)
+ if kw.pop('project', False):
+ redirect(c.project.url() + 'search?' + urlencode(dict(q=q, history=history)))
+ search_comments = kw.pop('search_comments', None)
+ limit = kw.pop('limit', None)
+ page = kw.pop('page', 0)
+ default = kw.pop('default', 25)
+ allowed_types = kw.pop('allowed_types', [])
+ parser = kw.pop('parser', None)
+ sort = kw.pop('sort', 'score desc')
+ fq = fq if fq else []
+ search_error = None
+ results = []
+ count = 0
+ matches = {}
+ limit, page, start = g.handle_paging(limit, page, default=default)
+ if not q:
+ q = ''
+ else:
+ # Match on both `title` and `text` by default, using 'dismax' parser.
+ # Score on `title` matches is boosted, so title match is better than body match.
+ # It's 'fuzzier' than standard parser, which matches only on `text`.
+ if search_comments:
+ allowed_types += ['Post']
+ search_params = {
+ 'qt': 'dismax',
+ 'qf': 'title^2 text',
+ 'pf': 'title^2 text',
+ 'fq': [
+ 'project_id_s:%s' % c.project._id,
+ 'mount_point_s:%s' % c.app.config.options.mount_point,
+ '-deleted_b:true',
+ 'type_s:(%s)' % ' OR '.join(['"%s"' % t for t in allowed_types])
+ ] + fq,
+ 'hl': 'true',
+ 'hl.simple.pre': '<strong>',
+ 'hl.simple.post': '</strong>',
+ 'sort': sort,
+ }
+ if not history:
+ search_params['fq'].append('is_history_b:False')
+ if parser == 'standard':
+ search_params.pop('qt', None)
+ search_params.pop('qf', None)
+ search_params.pop('pf', None)
+ try:
+ results = search(
+ q, short_timeout=True, ignore_errors=False,
+ rows=limit, start=start, **search_params)
+ except SearchError as e:
+ search_error = e
+ if results:
+ count = results.hits
+ matches = results.highlighting
+ def historize_urls(doc):
+ if doc.get('type_s', '').endswith(' Snapshot'):
+ if doc.get('url_s'):
+ doc['url_s'] = doc['url_s'] + '?version=%s' % doc.get('version_i')
+ return doc
+ def add_matches(doc):
+ m = matches.get(doc['id'], {})
+ doc['title_match'] = h.get_first(m, 'title')
+ doc['text_match'] = h.get_first(m, 'text')
+ if not doc['text_match']:
+ doc['text_match'] = h.get_first(doc, 'text')
+ return doc
+ results = imap(historize_urls, results)
+ results = imap(add_matches, results)
+ # Provide sort urls to the view
+ score_url = 'score desc'
+ date_url = 'mod_date_dt desc'
+ try:
+ field, order = sort.split(' ')
+ except ValueError:
+ field, order = 'score', 'desc'
+ sort = ' '.join([field, 'asc' if order == 'desc' else 'desc'])
+ if field == 'score':
+ score_url = sort
+ elif field == 'mod_date_dt':
+ date_url = sort
+ params = request.GET.copy()
+ params.update({'sort': score_url})
+ score_url = url(request.path, params=params)
+ params.update({'sort': date_url})
+ date_url = url(request.path, params=params)
+ return dict(q=q, history=history, results=results or [],
+ count=count, limit=limit, page=page, search_error=search_error,
+ sort_score_url=score_url, sort_date_url=date_url,
+ sort_field=field)
def find_shortlinks(text):
md = markdown.Markdown(
extensions=['codehilite', ForgeExtension(), 'tables'],