Switch to side-by-side view

--- a/bitergiametrics/main.py
+++ b/bitergiametrics/main.py
@@ -85,7 +85,6 @@
             SitemapEntry('Git', base),
             SitemapEntry(' Commits & committers', self.config.url() + 'commits_commiters'),
             SitemapEntry(' Ratio commits/committer', self.config.url() + 'ratio_commits_commiters'),
-            # SitemapEntry(' Lines added/removed', self.config.url() + 'lines_added_removed', ui_icon=g.icons['stats']),
             SitemapEntry(' Lines added/removed', self.config.url() + 'lines_added_removed'),
             SitemapEntry('Tickets', base),
             SitemapEntry(' Open & closed', self.config.url() + 'open_closed'),
@@ -129,63 +128,11 @@
         # self._discuss = AppDiscussionController()
+    # TODO: samples of other kind of graphs with Flotr2
     def bar(self, page=0, limit=10, **kw):
         return dict()
-    @expose('jinja:bitergiametrics:templates/metrics/tickets_swscopio.html')
-    @with_trailing_slash
-    def tickets_swscopio(self, page=0, limit=10, **kw):
-        # FIXME: SQL query to get the results            
-        tickets_per_month =  [
-          # ['23989','1999','1','Jan 1999','10','2','2','3'],
-          # ['23990','1999','2','Feb 1999','15','2','2','3'],
-          # ['23991','1999','3','Mar 1999','20','4','9','3'],
-          ['24135','2011','3','Mar 2011','0.56','9','23','12'],
-          ['24136','2011','4','Apr 2011','0.89','2','30','15'],
-          ['24137','2011','5','May 2011','0.210','5','12','50'],
-          ['24138','2011','6','Jun 2011','0.300','6','3','33'],
-          ['24139','2011','7','Jul 2011','0.215','2','50','45'],
-          ['24140','2011','8','Aug 2011','0.120','3','88','15'],
-          ['24141','2011','9','Sep 2011','0.100','8','93','84'],
-          ['24142','2011','10','Oct 2011','0.20','4','87','29'],
-          ['24143','2011','11','Nov 2011','0.18','4','90','88'],
-          ['24144','2011','12','Dec 2011','0.45','2','15','90'],
-          ['24145','2012','1','Jan 2012','0.40','3','23','56'],
-          ['24146','2012','2','Feb 2012','0.37','4','80','15'],
-          ['24147','2012','3','Mar 2012','0.89','7','14','9'],
-          ['24148','2012','4','Apr 2012','0.121','5','78','33'],
-        ]
-        tickets_per_month_json = {}
-        tickets_per_month_json['id'] = []
-        tickets_per_month_json['year'] = []
-        tickets_per_month_json['month'] = []
-        tickets_per_month_json['date'] = []
-        tickets_per_month_json['live'] = []
-        tickets_per_month_json['people'] = []
-        tickets_per_month_json['open'] = []
-        tickets_per_month_json['close'] = []
-        for ticket in tickets_per_month:                
-            tickets_per_month_json['id'].append(ticket[0])
-            tickets_per_month_json['year'].append(ticket[1])
-            tickets_per_month_json['month'].append(ticket[2])
-            tickets_per_month_json['date'].append(ticket[3])
-            tickets_per_month_json['live'].append(ticket[4])
-            tickets_per_month_json['people'].append(ticket[5])
-            tickets_per_month_json['open'].append(ticket[6])
-            tickets_per_month_json['close'].append(ticket[7])
-        # FIXME: Find better way to find the path to the file
-        f = open ("../AlluraBitergiaMetrics/bitergiametrics/nf/metrics/tickets_per_month_swscopio.json", 'w')
-        # f.write(tickets_per_month)            
-        f.write(json.dumps(tickets_per_month_json))            
-        f.close()
-        return dict()
@@ -232,81 +179,9 @@
     def index(self, page=0, limit=10, **kw):
-        query_filter = dict(app_config_id=c.app.config._id)
-        if not has_access(c.app, 'write')():
-            query_filter['state'] = 'published'
-        # q = BM.BlogPost.query.find(query_filter)
-        # post_count = q.count()
-        # limit, page = h.paging_sanitizer(limit, page, post_count)
-        # posts = q.sort('timestamp', pymongo.DESCENDING) \
-        #         .skip(page * limit).limit(limit)
-        c.form = W.view_metrics_form
-        # c.pager = W.pager
-        # return dict(posts=posts, page=page, limit=limit, count=post_count)
-        # TODO: error and config management. Share db connection
-        bichodb = None
-        tickets_per_month = None
-        try:
-            bichodb = MySQLdb.connect(user="root", db="bicho_allura")
-            cursor = bichodb.cursor()
-            tickets_month_sql  = "SELECT id, DATE_FORMAT(submitted_on, '%Y') as year, "
-            tickets_month_sql += "DATE_FORMAT(submitted_on, '%m') as month, "
-            tickets_month_sql += "DATE_FORMAT(submitted_on, '%Y %m') AS yearmonth, "
-            tickets_month_sql += "COUNT(*) AS nissues FROM issues "
-            tickets_month_sql += "GROUP BY yearmonth order by yearmonth" 
-            # cursor.execute("SELECT DATE_FORMAT(submitted_on, '%Y%V') AS yearweek, COUNT(*) AS nissues FROM issues GROUP BY yearweek")
-            cursor.execute(tickets_month_sql) 
-            tickets_per_month = cursor.fetchall()
-            tickets_per_month_json = {}
-            tickets_per_month_json['id'] = []
-            tickets_per_month_json['year'] = []
-            tickets_per_month_json['month'] = []
-            tickets_per_month_json['date'] = []
-            tickets_per_month_json['tickets'] = []
-            for ticket in tickets_per_month:                
-                tickets_per_month_json['id'].append(ticket[0])
-                tickets_per_month_json['year'].append(ticket[1])
-                tickets_per_month_json['month'].append(ticket[2])
-                tickets_per_month_json['date'].append(ticket[3])
-                tickets_per_month_json['tickets'].append(ticket[4])
-            # FIXME: Find better way to find the path to the file
-            f = open ("../AlluraBitergiaMetrics/bitergiametrics/nf/metrics/tickets_per_month.json", 'w')
-            # f.write(tickets_per_month)            
-            f.write(json.dumps(tickets_per_month_json))            
-            f.close()
-        except MySQLdb.Error, e:
-            log.error("Error accessing Bicho %d: %s" % (e.args[0], e.args[1]))
-        finally:
-            if bichodb:
-                bichodb.close()
-        total = TM.Ticket.query.find().count()
-        tickets = TM.Ticket.query.find()
-        now = datetime.utcnow()
-        week = timedelta(weeks=1)
-        week_ago = now - week
-        week_tickets = self.tickets_since(week_ago)
-        return dict(week_ago=str(week_ago),week_tickets=week_tickets, 
-                    total=total, tickets = tickets, tickets_per_month = tickets_per_month) 
-    def tickets_since(self, when=None):
-        count = 0
-        if when:
-            count = TM.Ticket.query.find(dict(created_date={'$gte':when})).count()
-        else:
-            count = TM.Ticket.query.find(dict(app_config_id=c.app.config._id)).count()
-        return count
+        return dict()
+# TODO: Use this class to configure Bitergia Metrics Tools
 class MetricsAdminController(DefaultAdminController):
     def __init__(self, app):
         self.app = app