Switch to side-by-side view

--- a/Allura/allura/lib/helpers.py
+++ b/Allura/allura/lib/helpers.py
@@ -236,34 +236,6 @@
 def ago_ts(timestamp):
     return ago(datetime.utcfromtimestamp(timestamp))
-def tag_artifact(artifact, user, tags):
-    from allura import model as M
-    aref = artifact.dump_ref()
-    when = datetime.utcnow()
-    # Get the UserTags object
-    ut = M.UserTags.upsert(user, aref)
-    # Determine which tags were added/removed
-    user_tags = set(tag.tag for tag in ut.tags)
-    tags = set(tags)
-    added_tags = list(tags - user_tags)
-    removed_tags = list(user_tags - tags)
-    # Create the TagEvent
-    evt = M.TagEvent(
-        when=when,
-        user_id=user._id,
-        artifact_ref=aref,
-        added_tags=added_tags,
-        removed_tags=removed_tags)
-    # Update the UserTags Object
-    ut.add_tags(when, added_tags)
-    ut.remove_tags(removed_tags)
-    # Update the artifact
-    artifact.add_tags(added_tags)
-    artifact.remove_tags(removed_tags)
-    # Update the Tag index
-    M.Tag.add(aref, user, added_tags)
-    M.Tag.remove(aref, user, removed_tags)
 class DateTimeConverter(FancyValidator):