Switch to side-by-side view

--- a/OSSEval/entity/views.py
+++ b/OSSEval/entity/views.py
@@ -1,8 +1,17 @@
 from django.shortcuts import render
 from django.http import HttpResponse
 from entity.models import Entity
 # Create your views here.
-def entity_ui(request, entity_id):
-    entity = Entity.objects.get(pk=entity_id) 
-    return HttpResponse(entity.search_ui)
+def search_html(request, entity_id):
+    """
+    Moved it in the OSProject app
+    """
+    entity = Entity.objects.get(pk=entity_id)
+    exec("from " + entity.actual_entity_app + ".models import " + entity.actual_entity_class + ", " + entity.actual_entity_search_class)
+    actual_entity_class = locals()[entity.actual_entity_class]
+    ae = actual_entity_class()   
+    actual_entity_search_class = locals()[entity.actual_entity_search_class]
+    return HttpResponse(actual_entity_search_class.html_ui())