--- a/src/rcldb/rcldb.cpp
+++ b/src/rcldb/rcldb.cpp
@@ -263,6 +263,110 @@
return false;
+// Clear term from document if its frequency is 0. This should
+// probably be done by Xapian when the freq goes to 0 when removing a
+// posting, but we have to do it ourselves
+bool Db::Native::clearDocTermIfWdf0(Xapian::Document& xdoc, const string& term)
+ LOGDEB1(("Db::clearDocTermIfWdf0: [%s]\n", term.c_str()));
+ // Find the term
+ Xapian::TermIterator xit;
+ XAPTRY(xit = xdoc.termlist_begin(); xit.skip_to(term);,
+ xrdb, m_rcldb->m_reason);
+ if (!m_rcldb->m_reason.empty()) {
+ LOGERR(("Db::clearDocTerm...: [%s] skip failed: %s\n",
+ term.c_str(), m_rcldb->m_reason.c_str()));
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (xit == xdoc.termlist_end() || term.compare(*xit)) {
+ LOGDEB0(("Db::clearDocTermIFWdf0: term [%s] not found. xit: [%s]\n",
+ term.c_str(), xit == xdoc.termlist_end() ? "EOL":(*xit).c_str()));
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Clear the term if its frequency is 0
+ if (xit.get_wdf() == 0) {
+ LOGDEB1(("Db::clearDocTermIfWdf0: clearing [%s]\n", term.c_str()));
+ XAPTRY(xdoc.remove_term(term), xwdb, m_rcldb->m_reason);
+ if (!m_rcldb->m_reason.empty()) {
+ LOGDEB0(("Db::clearDocTermIfWdf0: failed [%s]: %s\n",
+ term.c_str(), m_rcldb->m_reason.c_str()));
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+// Holder for term + pos
+struct DocPosting {
+ DocPosting(string t, Xapian::termpos ps)
+ : term(t), pos(ps) {}
+ string term;
+ Xapian::termpos pos;
+// Clear all terms for given field for given document.
+// The terms to be cleared are all those with the appropriate
+// prefix. We also remove the postings for the unprefixed terms (that
+// is, we undo what we did when indexing).
+bool Db::Native::clearField(Xapian::Document& xdoc, const string& pfx,
+ Xapian::termcount wdfdec)
+ LOGDEB1(("Db::clearField: clearing prefix [%s] for docid %u\n",
+ pfx.c_str(), unsigned(xdoc.get_docid())));
+ vector<DocPosting> eraselist;
+ string wrapd = wrap_prefix(pfx);
+ m_rcldb->m_reason.clear();
+ for (int tries = 0; tries < 2; tries++) {
+ try {
+ Xapian::TermIterator xit;
+ xit = xdoc.termlist_begin();
+ xit.skip_to(wrapd);
+ while (xit != xdoc.termlist_end() &&
+ !(*xit).compare(0, wrapd.size(), wrapd)) {
+ LOGDEB1(("Db::clearfield: erasing for [%s]\n", (*xit).c_str()));
+ Xapian::PositionIterator posit;
+ for (posit = xit.positionlist_begin();
+ posit != xit.positionlist_end(); posit++) {
+ eraselist.push_back(DocPosting(*xit, *posit));
+ eraselist.push_back(DocPosting(strip_prefix(*xit), *posit));
+ }
+ xit++;
+ }
+ } catch (const Xapian::DatabaseModifiedError &e) {
+ m_rcldb->m_reason = e.get_msg();
+ xrdb.reopen();
+ continue;
+ } XCATCHERROR(m_rcldb->m_reason);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!m_rcldb->m_reason.empty()) {
+ LOGERR(("Db::clearField: failed building erase list: %s\n",
+ m_rcldb->m_reason.c_str()));
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Now remove the found positions, and the terms if the wdf is 0
+ for (vector<DocPosting>::const_iterator it = eraselist.begin();
+ it != eraselist.end(); it++) {
+ LOGDEB1(("Db::clearField: remove posting: [%s] pos [%d]\n",
+ it->term.c_str(), int(it->pos)));
+ XAPTRY(xdoc.remove_posting(it->term, it->pos, wdfdec);,
+ xwdb,m_rcldb->m_reason);
+ if (!m_rcldb->m_reason.empty()) {
+ // Not that this normally fails for non-prefixed XXST and
+ // ND, don't make a fuss
+ LOGDEB1(("Db::clearFiedl: remove_posting failed for [%s],%d: %s\n",
+ it->term.c_str(),int(it->pos), m_rcldb->m_reason.c_str()));
+ }
+ clearDocTermIfWdf0(xdoc, it->term);
+ }
+ return true;
// Check if doc given by udi is indexed by term
bool Db::Native::hasTerm(const string& udi, int idxi, const string& term)
@@ -460,11 +564,7 @@
Chrono chron;
- // In the case where there is a separate (single) db update
- // thread, we only need to protect the update map update below
- // (against interaction with threads calling needUpdate()). Else,
- // all threads from above need to synchronize here
- PTMutexLocker lock(m_mutex, m_havewriteq);
+ PTMutexLocker lock(m_mutex);
// Check file system full every mbyte of indexed text. It's a bit wasteful
@@ -491,11 +591,6 @@
try {
Xapian::docid did =
xwdb.replace_document(uniterm, newdocument);
- // Need to protect against interaction with the up-to-date checks
- // which also update the existence map
- PTMutexLocker lock(m_mutex, !m_havewriteq);
if (did < m_rcldb->updated.size()) {
m_rcldb->updated[did] = true;
LOGINFO(("Db::add: docid %d updated [%s]\n", did, fnc));
@@ -934,7 +1029,6 @@
return false;
// The splitter breaks text into words and adds postings to the Xapian
// document. We use a single object to split all of the document
// fields and position jumps to separate fields
@@ -1151,7 +1245,7 @@
return false;
Xapian::Document newdocument;
// The term processing pipeline:
TermProcIdx tpidx;
TermProc *nxt = &tpidx;
@@ -1165,276 +1259,287 @@
TextSplitDb splitter(newdocument, nxt);
- // If the ipath is like a path, index the last element. This is
- // for compound documents like zip and chm for which the filter
- // uses the file path as ipath.
- if (!doc.ipath.empty() &&
- doc.ipath.find_first_not_of("0123456789") != string::npos) {
- string utf8ipathlast;
- // There is no way in hell we could have an idea of the
- // charset here, so let's hope it's ascii or utf-8. We call
- // transcode to strip the bad chars and pray
- if (transcode(path_getsimple(doc.ipath), utf8ipathlast,
- "UTF-8", "UTF-8")) {
- splitter.text_to_words(utf8ipathlast);
- }
- }
- // Split and index the path from the url for path-based filtering
- {
- string path = url_gpath(doc.url);
- vector<string> vpath;
- stringToTokens(path, vpath, "/");
- // If vpath is not /, the last elt is the file/dir name, not a
- // part of the path.
- if (vpath.size())
- vpath.resize(vpath.size()-1);
- splitter.curpos = 0;
- newdocument.add_posting(wrap_prefix(pathelt_prefix),
- splitter.basepos + splitter.curpos++);
- for (vector<string>::iterator it = vpath.begin();
- it != vpath.end(); it++){
- if (it->length() > 230) {
- // Just truncate it. May still be useful because of wildcards
- *it = it->substr(0, 230);
- }
- newdocument.add_posting(wrap_prefix(pathelt_prefix) + *it,
- splitter.basepos + splitter.curpos++);
- }
- }
- // Index textual metadata. These are all indexed as text with
- // positions, as we may want to do phrase searches with them (this
- // makes no sense for keywords by the way).
- //
- // The order has no importance, and we set a position gap of 100
- // between fields to avoid false proximity matches.
- map<string, string>::iterator meta_it;
- for (meta_it = doc.meta.begin(); meta_it != doc.meta.end(); meta_it++) {
- if (!meta_it->second.empty()) {
- const FieldTraits *ftp;
- // We don't test for an empty prefix here. Some fields are part
- // of the internal conf with an empty prefix (ie: abstract).
- if (!fieldToTraits(meta_it->first, &ftp)) {
- LOGDEB0(("Db::add: no prefix for field [%s], no indexing\n",
- meta_it->first.c_str()));
- continue;
- }
- LOGDEB0(("Db::add: field [%s] pfx [%s] inc %d: [%s]\n",
- meta_it->first.c_str(), ftp->pfx.c_str(), ftp->wdfinc,
- meta_it->second.c_str()));
- splitter.setprefix(ftp->pfx);
- splitter.setwdfinc(ftp->wdfinc);
- if (!splitter.text_to_words(meta_it->second))
- LOGDEB(("Db::addOrUpdate: split failed for %s\n",
- meta_it->first.c_str()));
- }
- }
- splitter.setprefix(string());
- splitter.setwdfinc(1);
- if (splitter.curpos < baseTextPosition)
- splitter.basepos = baseTextPosition;
- // Split and index body text
- LOGDEB2(("Db::add: split body: [%s]\n", doc.text.c_str()));
- splitter.resetStats();
- if (!splitter.text_to_words(doc.text))
- LOGDEB(("Db::addOrUpdate: split failed for main text\n"));
- // Reject bad data. unrecognized base64 text is characterized by
- // high avg word length and high variation (because there are
- // word-splitters like +/ inside the data).
- TextSplit::Stats::Values v = splitter.getStats();
- // v.avglen > 15 && v.sigma > 12
- if (v.count > 200 && (v.avglen > 10 && v.sigma / v.avglen > 0.8)) {
- LOGINFO(("RclDb::addOrUpdate: rejecting doc for bad stats "
- "count %d avglen %.4f sigma %.4f url [%s] ipath [%s] text %s\n",
- v.count, v.avglen, v.sigma, doc.url.c_str(),
- doc.ipath.c_str(), doc.text.c_str()));
- return true;
- }
- ////// Special terms for other metadata. No positions for these.
- // Mime type
- newdocument.add_boolean_term(wrap_prefix(mimetype_prefix) + doc.mimetype);
- // Simple file name indexed unsplit for specific "file name"
- // searches. This is not the same as a filename: clause inside the
- // query language.
- // We also add a term for the filename extension if any.
- string utf8fn;
- if (doc.getmeta(Doc::keyfn, &utf8fn) && !utf8fn.empty()) {
- string fn;
- if (unacmaybefold(utf8fn, fn, "UTF-8", UNACOP_UNACFOLD)) {
- // We should truncate after extracting the extension, but this is
- // a pathological case anyway
- if (fn.size() > 230)
- utf8truncate(fn, 230);
- string::size_type pos = fn.rfind('.');
- if (pos != string::npos && pos != fn.length() - 1) {
- newdocument.add_boolean_term(wrap_prefix(fileext_prefix) +
- fn.substr(pos + 1));
- }
- newdocument.add_term(wrap_prefix(unsplitfilename_prefix) + fn, 0);
- }
- }
// Udi unique term: this is used for file existence/uptodate
// checks, and unique id for the replace_document() call.
string uniterm = make_uniterm(udi);
- newdocument.add_boolean_term(uniterm);
- // Parent term. This is used to find all descendents, mostly to delete them
- // when the parent goes away
- if (!parent_udi.empty()) {
- newdocument.add_boolean_term(make_parentterm(parent_udi));
- }
- // Dates etc.
- time_t mtime = atoll(doc.dmtime.empty() ? doc.fmtime.c_str() :
- doc.dmtime.c_str());
- struct tm *tm = localtime(&mtime);
- char buf[9];
- snprintf(buf, 9, "%04d%02d%02d",
- tm->tm_year+1900, tm->tm_mon + 1, tm->tm_mday);
- // Date (YYYYMMDD)
- newdocument.add_boolean_term(wrap_prefix(xapday_prefix) + string(buf));
- // Month (YYYYMM)
- buf[6] = '\0';
- newdocument.add_boolean_term(wrap_prefix(xapmonth_prefix) + string(buf));
- // Year (YYYY)
- buf[4] = '\0';
- newdocument.add_boolean_term(wrap_prefix(xapyear_prefix) + string(buf));
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Document data record. omindex has the following nl separated fields:
- // - url
- // - sample
- // - caption (title limited to 100 chars)
- // - mime type
- //
- // The title, author, abstract and keywords fields are special,
- // they always get stored in the document data
- // record. Configurable other fields can be, too.
- //
- // We truncate stored fields abstract, title and keywords to
- // reasonable lengths and suppress newlines (so that the data
- // record can keep a simple syntax)
- string record;
- RECORD_APPEND(record, Doc::keyurl, doc.url);
- RECORD_APPEND(record, Doc::keytp, doc.mimetype);
- // We left-zero-pad the times so that they are lexico-sortable
- leftzeropad(doc.fmtime, 11);
- RECORD_APPEND(record, Doc::keyfmt, doc.fmtime);
- if (!doc.dmtime.empty()) {
- leftzeropad(doc.dmtime, 11);
- RECORD_APPEND(record, Doc::keydmt, doc.dmtime);
- }
- RECORD_APPEND(record, Doc::keyoc, doc.origcharset);
- if (doc.fbytes.empty())
- doc.fbytes = doc.pcbytes;
- if (!doc.fbytes.empty()) {
- RECORD_APPEND(record, Doc::keyfs, doc.fbytes);
- leftzeropad(doc.fbytes, 12);
- newdocument.add_value(VALUE_SIZE, doc.fbytes);
- }
- if (doc.haschildren) {
- newdocument.add_boolean_term(has_children_term);
- }
- if (!doc.pcbytes.empty())
- RECORD_APPEND(record, Doc::keypcs, doc.pcbytes);
- char sizebuf[30];
- sprintf(sizebuf, "%u", (unsigned int)doc.text.length());
- RECORD_APPEND(record, Doc::keyds, sizebuf);
- // Note that we add the signature both as a value and in the data record
- if (!doc.sig.empty()) {
- RECORD_APPEND(record, Doc::keysig, doc.sig);
- newdocument.add_value(VALUE_SIG, doc.sig);
- }
- if (!doc.ipath.empty())
- RECORD_APPEND(record, Doc::keyipt, doc.ipath);
- doc.meta[Doc::keytt] =
- neutchars(truncate_to_word(doc.meta[Doc::keytt], 150), cstr_nc);
- if (!doc.meta[Doc::keytt].empty())
- RECORD_APPEND(record, cstr_caption, doc.meta[Doc::keytt]);
- trimstring(doc.meta[Doc::keykw], " \t\r\n");
- doc.meta[Doc::keykw] =
- neutchars(truncate_to_word(doc.meta[Doc::keykw], 300), cstr_nc);
- // No need to explicitly append the keywords, this will be done by
- // the "stored" loop
- // If abstract is empty, we make up one with the beginning of the
- // document. This is then not indexed, but part of the doc data so
- // that we can return it to a query without having to decode the
- // original file.
- bool syntabs = false;
- // Note that the map accesses by operator[] create empty entries if they
- // don't exist yet.
- trimstring(doc.meta[Doc::keyabs], " \t\r\n");
- if (doc.meta[Doc::keyabs].empty()) {
- syntabs = true;
- if (!doc.text.empty())
- doc.meta[Doc::keyabs] = cstr_syntAbs +
- neutchars(truncate_to_word(doc.text, m_idxAbsTruncLen), cstr_nc);
+ if (doc.onlyxattr) {
+ // Only updating an existing doc with new extended attributes
+ // data. Need to read the old doc and its data record
+ // first. This is so different from the normal processing that
+ // it uses a fully separate code path (with some duplication
+ // unfortunately)
+ if (!m_ndb->docToXdocXattrOnly(&splitter, udi, doc, newdocument))
+ return false;
} else {
- doc.meta[Doc::keyabs] =
- neutchars(truncate_to_word(doc.meta[Doc::keyabs], m_idxAbsTruncLen),
- cstr_nc);
- }
- const set<string>& stored = m_config->getStoredFields();
- for (set<string>::const_iterator it = stored.begin();
- it != stored.end(); it++) {
- string nm = m_config->fieldCanon(*it);
- if (!doc.meta[nm].empty()) {
- string value =
- neutchars(truncate_to_word(doc.meta[nm], 150), cstr_nc);
- RECORD_APPEND(record, nm, value);
- }
- }
- // If empty pages (multiple break at same pos) were recorded, save
- // them (this is because we have no way to record them in the
- // Xapian list
- if (!tpidx.m_pageincrvec.empty()) {
- ostringstream multibreaks;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < tpidx.m_pageincrvec.size(); i++) {
- if (i != 0)
- multibreaks << ",";
- multibreaks << tpidx.m_pageincrvec[i].first << "," <<
- tpidx.m_pageincrvec[i].second;
- }
- RECORD_APPEND(record, string(cstr_mbreaks), multibreaks.str());
- }
+ // If the ipath is like a path, index the last element. This is
+ // for compound documents like zip and chm for which the filter
+ // uses the file path as ipath.
+ if (!doc.ipath.empty() &&
+ doc.ipath.find_first_not_of("0123456789") != string::npos) {
+ string utf8ipathlast;
+ // There is no way in hell we could have an idea of the
+ // charset here, so let's hope it's ascii or utf-8. We call
+ // transcode to strip the bad chars and pray
+ if (transcode(path_getsimple(doc.ipath), utf8ipathlast,
+ "UTF-8", "UTF-8")) {
+ splitter.text_to_words(utf8ipathlast);
+ }
+ }
+ // Split and index the path from the url for path-based filtering
+ {
+ string path = url_gpath(doc.url);
+ vector<string> vpath;
+ stringToTokens(path, vpath, "/");
+ // If vpath is not /, the last elt is the file/dir name, not a
+ // part of the path.
+ if (vpath.size())
+ vpath.resize(vpath.size()-1);
+ splitter.curpos = 0;
+ newdocument.add_posting(wrap_prefix(pathelt_prefix),
+ splitter.basepos + splitter.curpos++);
+ for (vector<string>::iterator it = vpath.begin();
+ it != vpath.end(); it++){
+ if (it->length() > 230) {
+ // Just truncate it. May still be useful because of wildcards
+ *it = it->substr(0, 230);
+ }
+ newdocument.add_posting(wrap_prefix(pathelt_prefix) + *it,
+ splitter.basepos + splitter.curpos++);
+ }
+ }
+ // Index textual metadata. These are all indexed as text with
+ // positions, as we may want to do phrase searches with them (this
+ // makes no sense for keywords by the way).
+ //
+ // The order has no importance, and we set a position gap of 100
+ // between fields to avoid false proximity matches.
+ map<string, string>::iterator meta_it;
+ for (meta_it = doc.meta.begin(); meta_it != doc.meta.end(); meta_it++) {
+ if (!meta_it->second.empty()) {
+ const FieldTraits *ftp;
+ // We don't test for an empty prefix here. Some fields are part
+ // of the internal conf with an empty prefix (ie: abstract).
+ if (!fieldToTraits(meta_it->first, &ftp)) {
+ LOGDEB0(("Db::add: no prefix for field [%s], no indexing\n",
+ meta_it->first.c_str()));
+ continue;
+ }
+ LOGDEB0(("Db::add: field [%s] pfx [%s] inc %d: [%s]\n",
+ meta_it->first.c_str(), ftp->pfx.c_str(), ftp->wdfinc,
+ meta_it->second.c_str()));
+ splitter.setprefix(ftp->pfx);
+ splitter.setwdfinc(ftp->wdfinc);
+ if (!splitter.text_to_words(meta_it->second))
+ LOGDEB(("Db::addOrUpdate: split failed for %s\n",
+ meta_it->first.c_str()));
+ }
+ }
+ splitter.setprefix(string());
+ splitter.setwdfinc(1);
+ if (splitter.curpos < baseTextPosition)
+ splitter.basepos = baseTextPosition;
+ // Split and index body text
+ LOGDEB2(("Db::add: split body: [%s]\n", doc.text.c_str()));
+ splitter.resetStats();
+ if (!splitter.text_to_words(doc.text))
+ LOGDEB(("Db::addOrUpdate: split failed for main text\n"));
+ // Reject bad data. unrecognized base64 text is characterized by
+ // high avg word length and high variation (because there are
+ // word-splitters like +/ inside the data).
+ TextSplit::Stats::Values v = splitter.getStats();
+ // v.avglen > 15 && v.sigma > 12
+ if (v.count > 200 && (v.avglen > 10 && v.sigma / v.avglen > 0.8)) {
+ LOGINFO(("RclDb::addOrUpdate: rejecting doc for bad stats "
+ "count %d avglen %.4f sigma %.4f url [%s] ipath [%s] text %s\n",
+ v.count, v.avglen, v.sigma, doc.url.c_str(),
+ doc.ipath.c_str(), doc.text.c_str()));
+ return true;
+ }
+ ////// Special terms for other metadata. No positions for these.
+ // Mime type
+ newdocument.add_boolean_term(wrap_prefix(mimetype_prefix) + doc.mimetype);
+ // Simple file name indexed unsplit for specific "file name"
+ // searches. This is not the same as a filename: clause inside the
+ // query language.
+ // We also add a term for the filename extension if any.
+ string utf8fn;
+ if (doc.getmeta(Doc::keyfn, &utf8fn) && !utf8fn.empty()) {
+ string fn;
+ if (unacmaybefold(utf8fn, fn, "UTF-8", UNACOP_UNACFOLD)) {
+ // We should truncate after extracting the extension, but this is
+ // a pathological case anyway
+ if (fn.size() > 230)
+ utf8truncate(fn, 230);
+ string::size_type pos = fn.rfind('.');
+ if (pos != string::npos && pos != fn.length() - 1) {
+ newdocument.add_boolean_term(wrap_prefix(fileext_prefix) +
+ fn.substr(pos + 1));
+ }
+ newdocument.add_term(wrap_prefix(unsplitfilename_prefix) + fn, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ newdocument.add_boolean_term(uniterm);
+ // Parent term. This is used to find all descendents, mostly
+ // to delete them when the parent goes away
+ if (!parent_udi.empty()) {
+ newdocument.add_boolean_term(make_parentterm(parent_udi));
+ }
+ // Dates etc.
+ time_t mtime = atoll(doc.dmtime.empty() ? doc.fmtime.c_str() :
+ doc.dmtime.c_str());
+ struct tm *tm = localtime(&mtime);
+ char buf[9];
+ snprintf(buf, 9, "%04d%02d%02d",
+ tm->tm_year+1900, tm->tm_mon + 1, tm->tm_mday);
+ // Date (YYYYMMDD)
+ newdocument.add_boolean_term(wrap_prefix(xapday_prefix) + string(buf));
+ // Month (YYYYMM)
+ buf[6] = '\0';
+ newdocument.add_boolean_term(wrap_prefix(xapmonth_prefix) + string(buf));
+ // Year (YYYY)
+ buf[4] = '\0';
+ newdocument.add_boolean_term(wrap_prefix(xapyear_prefix) + string(buf));
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Document data record. omindex has the following nl separated fields:
+ // - url
+ // - sample
+ // - caption (title limited to 100 chars)
+ // - mime type
+ //
+ // The title, author, abstract and keywords fields are special,
+ // they always get stored in the document data
+ // record. Configurable other fields can be, too.
+ //
+ // We truncate stored fields abstract, title and keywords to
+ // reasonable lengths and suppress newlines (so that the data
+ // record can keep a simple syntax)
+ string record;
+ RECORD_APPEND(record, Doc::keyurl, doc.url);
+ RECORD_APPEND(record, Doc::keytp, doc.mimetype);
+ // We left-zero-pad the times so that they are lexico-sortable
+ leftzeropad(doc.fmtime, 11);
+ RECORD_APPEND(record, Doc::keyfmt, doc.fmtime);
+ if (!doc.dmtime.empty()) {
+ leftzeropad(doc.dmtime, 11);
+ RECORD_APPEND(record, Doc::keydmt, doc.dmtime);
+ }
+ RECORD_APPEND(record, Doc::keyoc, doc.origcharset);
+ if (doc.fbytes.empty())
+ doc.fbytes = doc.pcbytes;
+ if (!doc.fbytes.empty()) {
+ RECORD_APPEND(record, Doc::keyfs, doc.fbytes);
+ leftzeropad(doc.fbytes, 12);
+ newdocument.add_value(VALUE_SIZE, doc.fbytes);
+ }
+ if (doc.haschildren) {
+ newdocument.add_boolean_term(has_children_term);
+ }
+ if (!doc.pcbytes.empty())
+ RECORD_APPEND(record, Doc::keypcs, doc.pcbytes);
+ char sizebuf[30];
+ sprintf(sizebuf, "%u", (unsigned int)doc.text.length());
+ RECORD_APPEND(record, Doc::keyds, sizebuf);
+ // Note that we add the signature both as a value and in the data record
+ if (!doc.sig.empty()) {
+ RECORD_APPEND(record, Doc::keysig, doc.sig);
+ newdocument.add_value(VALUE_SIG, doc.sig);
+ }
+ if (!doc.ipath.empty())
+ RECORD_APPEND(record, Doc::keyipt, doc.ipath);
+ doc.meta[Doc::keytt] =
+ neutchars(truncate_to_word(doc.meta[Doc::keytt], 150), cstr_nc);
+ if (!doc.meta[Doc::keytt].empty())
+ RECORD_APPEND(record, cstr_caption, doc.meta[Doc::keytt]);
+ trimstring(doc.meta[Doc::keykw], " \t\r\n");
+ doc.meta[Doc::keykw] =
+ neutchars(truncate_to_word(doc.meta[Doc::keykw], 300), cstr_nc);
+ // No need to explicitly append the keywords, this will be done by
+ // the "stored" loop
+ // If abstract is empty, we make up one with the beginning of the
+ // document. This is then not indexed, but part of the doc data so
+ // that we can return it to a query without having to decode the
+ // original file.
+ bool syntabs = false;
+ // Note that the map accesses by operator[] create empty entries if they
+ // don't exist yet.
+ trimstring(doc.meta[Doc::keyabs], " \t\r\n");
+ if (doc.meta[Doc::keyabs].empty()) {
+ syntabs = true;
+ if (!doc.text.empty())
+ doc.meta[Doc::keyabs] = cstr_syntAbs +
+ neutchars(truncate_to_word(doc.text, m_idxAbsTruncLen), cstr_nc);
+ } else {
+ doc.meta[Doc::keyabs] =
+ neutchars(truncate_to_word(doc.meta[Doc::keyabs], m_idxAbsTruncLen),
+ cstr_nc);
+ }
+ const set<string>& stored = m_config->getStoredFields();
+ for (set<string>::const_iterator it = stored.begin();
+ it != stored.end(); it++) {
+ string nm = m_config->fieldCanon(*it);
+ if (!doc.meta[nm].empty()) {
+ string value =
+ neutchars(truncate_to_word(doc.meta[nm], 150), cstr_nc);
+ RECORD_APPEND(record, nm, value);
+ }
+ }
+ // If empty pages (multiple break at same pos) were recorded, save
+ // them (this is because we have no way to record them in the
+ // Xapian list
+ if (!tpidx.m_pageincrvec.empty()) {
+ ostringstream multibreaks;
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < tpidx.m_pageincrvec.size(); i++) {
+ if (i != 0)
+ multibreaks << ",";
+ multibreaks << tpidx.m_pageincrvec[i].first << "," <<
+ tpidx.m_pageincrvec[i].second;
+ }
+ RECORD_APPEND(record, string(cstr_mbreaks), multibreaks.str());
+ }
- // If the file's md5 was computed, add value and term.
- // The value is optionally used for query result duplicate elimination,
- // and the term to find the duplicates.
- // We don't do this for empty docs.
- const string *md5;
- if (doc.peekmeta(Doc::keymd5, &md5) && !md5->empty() &&
- md5->compare(cstr_md5empty)) {
- string digest;
- MD5HexScan(*md5, digest);
- newdocument.add_value(VALUE_MD5, digest);
- newdocument.add_boolean_term(wrap_prefix("XM") + *md5);
- }
- LOGDEB0(("Rcl::Db::add: new doc record:\n%s\n", record.c_str()));
- newdocument.set_data(record);
+ // If the file's md5 was computed, add value and term.
+ // The value is optionally used for query result duplicate elimination,
+ // and the term to find the duplicates.
+ // We don't do this for empty docs.
+ const string *md5;
+ if (doc.peekmeta(Doc::keymd5, &md5) && !md5->empty() &&
+ md5->compare(cstr_md5empty)) {
+ string digest;
+ MD5HexScan(*md5, digest);
+ newdocument.add_value(VALUE_MD5, digest);
+ newdocument.add_boolean_term(wrap_prefix("XM") + *md5);
+ }
+ LOGDEB0(("Rcl::Db::add: new doc record:\n%s\n", record.c_str()));
+ newdocument.set_data(record);
+ }
if (m_ndb->m_havewriteq) {
DbUpdTask *tp = new DbUpdTask(DbUpdTask::AddOrUpdate, udi, uniterm,
@@ -1450,6 +1555,81 @@
return m_ndb->addOrUpdateWrite(udi, uniterm, newdocument,
+bool Db::Native::docToXdocXattrOnly(TextSplitDb *splitter, const string &udi,
+ Doc &doc, Xapian::Document& xdoc)
+ LOGDEB0(("Db::docToXdocXattrOnly\n"));
+ PTMutexLocker lock(m_mutex);
+ // Read existing document and its data record
+ if (getDoc(udi, 0, xdoc) == 0) {
+ LOGERR(("docToXdocXattrOnly: existing doc not found\n"));
+ return false;
+ }
+ string data;
+ XAPTRY(data = xdoc.get_data(), xrdb, m_rcldb->m_reason);
+ if (!m_rcldb->m_reason.empty()) {
+ LOGERR(("Db::xattrOnly: got error: %s\n", m_rcldb->m_reason.c_str()));
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Clear the term lists for the incoming fields and index the new values
+ map<string, string>::iterator meta_it;
+ for (meta_it = doc.meta.begin(); meta_it != doc.meta.end(); meta_it++) {
+ const FieldTraits *ftp;
+ if (!m_rcldb->fieldToTraits(meta_it->first, &ftp) || ftp->pfx.empty()) {
+ LOGDEB0(("Db::xattrOnly: no prefix for field [%s], skipped\n",
+ meta_it->first.c_str()));
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Clear the previous terms for the field
+ clearField(xdoc, ftp->pfx, ftp->wdfinc);
+ LOGDEB0(("Db::xattrOnly: field [%s] pfx [%s] inc %d: [%s]\n",
+ meta_it->first.c_str(), ftp->pfx.c_str(), ftp->wdfinc,
+ meta_it->second.c_str()));
+ splitter->setprefix(ftp->pfx);
+ splitter->setwdfinc(ftp->wdfinc);
+ if (!splitter->text_to_words(meta_it->second))
+ LOGDEB(("Db::xattrOnly: split failed for %s\n",
+ meta_it->first.c_str()));
+ }
+ xdoc.add_value(VALUE_SIG, doc.sig);
+ // Parse current data record into a dict for ease of processing
+ ConfSimple datadic(data);
+ if (!datadic.ok()) {
+ LOGERR(("db::docToXdocXattrOnly: failed turning data rec to dict\n"));
+ return false;
+ }
+ // For each "stored" field, check if set in doc metadata and
+ // update the value if it is
+ const set<string>& stored = m_rcldb->m_config->getStoredFields();
+ for (set<string>::const_iterator it = stored.begin();
+ it != stored.end(); it++) {
+ string nm = m_rcldb->m_config->fieldCanon(*it);
+ if (doc.getmeta(nm, 0)) {
+ string value =
+ neutchars(truncate_to_word(doc.meta[nm], 150), cstr_nc);
+ datadic.set(nm, value, "");
+ }
+ }
+ // Recreate the record. We want to do this with the local RECORD_APPEND
+ // method for consistency in format, instead of using ConfSimple print
+ vector<string> names = datadic.getNames("");
+ data.clear();
+ for (vector<string>::const_iterator it = names.begin();
+ it != names.end(); it++) {
+ string value;
+ datadic.get(*it, value, "");
+ RECORD_APPEND(data, *it, value);
+ }
+ RECORD_APPEND(data, Doc::keysig, doc.sig);
+ xdoc.set_data(data);
+ return true;