Switch to side-by-side view

--- a/website/custom.html
+++ b/website/custom.html
@@ -86,11 +86,14 @@
         can specify the format for the list entries: what data is
         displayed for each hit document and how. This used to include
         "almost full" support for HTML capabilities, with a few
-        restrictions due to the Qt QTextBrowser object.</p>
-      <p>As of Recoll 1.17, the result list is by default a WebKit
-        object (WebKit is the basis for several major browsers), which
-        yields full CSS and even Javascript support.</p>
+        restrictions due to the Qt QTextBrowser object. The details
+        are described in the
+        <a href="http://www.recoll.org/usermanual/rcl.search.html#RCL.SEARCH.GUI.CUSTOM.RESLIST">
+	  Recoll manual</a>.</p>
+      <p>As of Recoll 1.17, the result list is a WebKit object by
+        default (WebKit is the basis for several major browsers),
+        which yields full CSS and even Javascript support.</p>
       <h2>New in Recoll 1.17: the WebKit result list</h2>