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 Accessing the GUI, there is the possibility of performing two kinds of extractions: Insertion of requested parameters and clicking "Extract" button, or the manual extraction. In the second case, there is an area in which to insert the JSON Request. The manually inserted JSON is, therefore, sent by pressing "ExtractFromJSON". 
-Update: A new functionality to automatically convert the extracted result to OWL is available. When clicking "Extract & Convert", the GUI shows a menu in which the user can choose whether to upload the converted result to a Fuseki instance and specify its address and dataset, or simply obtain the result.
+**Update:** A new functionality to automatically convert the extracted result to OWL is available. When clicking "Extract & Convert", the GUI shows a menu in which the user can choose whether to upload the converted result to a Fuseki instance and specify its address and dataset, or simply obtain the result.
 After a successfull extraction, the result appears in the bottom area. From this point on, by accessing the "Conversion" area a table appears with all relevant information and the possibility to convert the extracted result. By selecting an item and ordering a conversion, an automatic process is triggered: The [Converters API](https://opensourceprojects.eu/p/timbus/context-model/converters-api/ci/57cc0d22be0b477825e6c68c9fe5d10ef18407da/tree/) is called and it searches for an appropriate converter for the type of format in question. Once it is finished, a button to download the result OWL file is made available.
+**Update**: In the new version of the Context Population GUI, an option to automatically convert the resulting extraction was made available. By pressing "Extract & Convert", a menu will appear in order to choose whether the user wishes to populate a Fuseki server with the OWL conversion and, in that case, provide the Fuseki address and select the appropriate Dataset.
 ##Graphical Interface Screenshot
-![alt text](http://i.imgur.com/M81Rv27.png?1 "Context Population GUI")
+![alt text](http://i.imgur.com/dAanKstl.png "Context Population GUI")