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--- a/doc/upmpdcli.txt
+++ b/doc/upmpdcli.txt
@@ -56,13 +56,28 @@
 Streaming is not limited to the local upmpdcli renderer, and the Media
 Server should happily send music to other renderers.
-=== Notes on Tidal support
-The software is not unofficialy supported by Tidal, and may just stop to
+=== Notes on the Tidal interface
+The software is not officialy supported by Tidal, and may just stop to
 work one day... It only works with a valid Tidal subscription.
 The configuration parameters are described
 link:#_tidal_streaming_service_parameters[further down]. 
+=== Notes on the Qobuz interface
+As for Tidal, the software is not officialy supported by Qobuz, and may
+just stop to work one day.
+You need a valid Qobuz subscription.
+Qobuz search does not allow specifying what field to search (e.g. are we
+searching artist names or track titles). This is a bad match with UPnP
+searches supported by upmpdcli and results in a weird interface and mixed
+up results.
+The configuration parameters are described
+link:#_qobuz_streaming_service_parameters[further down]. 
 == Configuration