Switch to side-by-side view

--- a/libupnpp/cdirectory.cxx
+++ b/libupnpp/cdirectory.cxx
@@ -23,11 +23,9 @@
 #include <iostream>
 #include <set>
 #include <vector>
-using std::string;
-using std::cerr;
-using std::endl;
-using std::vector;
-using std::set;
+using namespace std;
+#include <functional>
+using namespace std::placeholders;
 #include "upnpp_p.hxx"
@@ -38,310 +36,367 @@
 #include "ixmlwrap.hxx"
 #include "cdirectory.hxx"
 #include "cdircontent.hxx"
+#include "discovery.hxx"
+namespace UPnPClient {
+// The service type string for Content Directories:
+const string ContentDirectoryService::SType("urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ContentDirectory:1");
+// We don't include a version in comparisons, as we are satisfied with
+// version 1
+bool ContentDirectoryService::isCDService(const string& st)
+    const string::size_type sz(SType.size()-2);
+    return !SType.compare(0, sz, st, 0, sz);
+static bool DSAccum(vector<ContentDirectoryService>* out,
+                    const UPnPDeviceDesc& device, 
+                    const UPnPServiceDesc& service)
+    if (ContentDirectoryService::isCDService(service.serviceType)) {
+        out->push_back(ContentDirectoryService(device, service));
+    }
+    return true;
+bool ContentDirectoryService::getServices(vector<ContentDirectoryService>& vds)
+    //LOGDEB("UPnPDeviceDirectory::getDirServices" << endl);
+    UPnPDeviceDirectory::Visitor visitor = bind(DSAccum, &vds, _1, _2);
+	UPnPDeviceDirectory::getTheDir()->traverse(visitor);
+    return !vds.empty();
+static bool DSFriendlySelect(const string& friendlyName,
+                             bool  *found,
+                             ContentDirectoryService *out,
+                             const UPnPDeviceDesc& device, 
+                             const UPnPServiceDesc& service)
+    if (ContentDirectoryService::isCDService(service.serviceType)) {
+        if (!friendlyName.compare(device.friendlyName)) {
+            *out = ContentDirectoryService(device, service);
+            *found = true;
+            return false;
+        }
+    }
+    return true;
+// Get server by friendly name. 
+bool ContentDirectoryService::getServerByName(const string& friendlyName,
+											  ContentDirectoryService& server)
+    bool found = false;
+    UPnPDeviceDirectory::Visitor visitor = 
+        bind(DSFriendlySelect, friendlyName, &found, &server, _1, _2);
+	UPnPDeviceDirectory::getTheDir()->traverse(visitor);
+    return found;
 class DirBResFree {
-	IXML_Document **rqpp, **rspp;
-	DirBResFree(IXML_Document** _rqpp, IXML_Document **_rspp)
-		:rqpp(_rqpp), rspp(_rspp)
-		{}
-	~DirBResFree()
-		{
-			if (*rqpp)
-				ixmlDocument_free(*rqpp);
-			if (*rspp)
-				ixmlDocument_free(*rspp);
-		}
+    IXML_Document **rqpp, **rspp;
+    DirBResFree(IXML_Document** _rqpp, IXML_Document **_rspp)
+        :rqpp(_rqpp), rspp(_rspp)
+        {}
+    ~DirBResFree()
+        {
+            if (*rqpp)
+                ixmlDocument_free(*rqpp);
+            if (*rspp)
+                ixmlDocument_free(*rspp);
+        }
 int ContentDirectoryService::readDirSlice(const string& objectId, int offset,
-										  int count, UPnPDirContent& dirbuf,
-										  int *didreadp, int *totalp)
-	PLOGDEB("CDService::readDirSlice: objId [%s] offset %d count %d\n",
-			objectId.c_str(), offset, count);
-	LibUPnP* lib = LibUPnP::getLibUPnP();
-	if (lib == 0) {
-		PLOGINF("CDService::readDir: no lib\n");
-	}
-	UpnpClient_Handle hdl = lib->getclh();
-	IXML_Document *request(0);
-	IXML_Document *response(0);
-	DirBResFree cleaner(&request, &response);
-	// Create request
-	char ofbuf[100], cntbuf[100];
-	sprintf(ofbuf, "%d", offset);
-	sprintf(cntbuf, "%d", count);
-	int argcnt = 6;
-	// Some devices require an empty SortCriteria, else bad params
-	request = UpnpMakeAction("Browse", m_serviceType.c_str(), argcnt,
-							 "ObjectID", objectId.c_str(),
-							 "BrowseFlag", "BrowseDirectChildren",
-							 "Filter", "*",
-							 "SortCriteria", "",
-							 "StartingIndex", ofbuf,
-							 "RequestedCount", cntbuf,
-							 NULL, NULL);
-	if (request == 0) {
-		PLOGINF("CDService::readDir: UpnpMakeAction failed\n");
-	}
-	//cerr << "Action xml: [" << ixmlPrintDocument(request) << "]" << endl;
-	int ret = UpnpSendAction(hdl, m_actionURL.c_str(), m_serviceType.c_str(),
-							 0 /*devUDN*/, request, &response);
-	if (ret != UPNP_E_SUCCESS) {
-		PLOGINF("CDService::readDir: UpnpSendAction failed: %s\n",
-				UpnpGetErrorMessage(ret));
-		return ret;
-	}
-	int didread = -1;
-	string tbuf = ixmlwrap::getFirstElementValue(response, "NumberReturned");
-	if (!tbuf.empty())
-		didread = atoi(tbuf.c_str());
-	if (count == -1 || count == 0) {
-		PLOGINF("CDService::readDir: got -1 or 0 entries\n");
-	}
-	tbuf = ixmlwrap::getFirstElementValue(response, "TotalMatches");
-	if (!tbuf.empty())
-		*totalp = atoi(tbuf.c_str());
-	tbuf = ixmlwrap::getFirstElementValue(response, "Result");
+                                          int count, UPnPDirContent& dirbuf,
+                                          int *didreadp, int *totalp)
+    PLOGDEB("CDService::readDirSlice: objId [%s] offset %d count %d\n",
+            objectId.c_str(), offset, count);
+    LibUPnP* lib = LibUPnP::getLibUPnP();
+    if (lib == 0) {
+        PLOGINF("CDService::readDir: no lib\n");
+        return UPNP_E_OUTOF_MEMORY;
+    }
+    UpnpClient_Handle hdl = lib->getclh();
+    IXML_Document *request(0);
+    IXML_Document *response(0);
+    DirBResFree cleaner(&request, &response);
+    // Create request
+    char ofbuf[100], cntbuf[100];
+    sprintf(ofbuf, "%d", offset);
+    sprintf(cntbuf, "%d", count);
+    int argcnt = 6;
+    // Some devices require an empty SortCriteria, else bad params
+    request = UpnpMakeAction("Browse", m_serviceType.c_str(), argcnt,
+                             "ObjectID", objectId.c_str(),
+                             "BrowseFlag", "BrowseDirectChildren",
+                             "Filter", "*",
+                             "SortCriteria", "",
+                             "StartingIndex", ofbuf,
+                             "RequestedCount", cntbuf,
+                             NULL, NULL);
+    if (request == 0) {
+        PLOGINF("CDService::readDir: UpnpMakeAction failed\n");
+        return  UPNP_E_OUTOF_MEMORY;
+    }
+    //cerr << "Action xml: [" << ixmlPrintDocument(request) << "]" << endl;
+    int ret = UpnpSendAction(hdl, m_actionURL.c_str(), m_serviceType.c_str(),
+                             0 /*devUDN*/, request, &response);
+    if (ret != UPNP_E_SUCCESS) {
+        PLOGINF("CDService::readDir: UpnpSendAction failed: %s\n",
+                UpnpGetErrorMessage(ret));
+        return ret;
+    }
+    int didread = -1;
+    string tbuf = ixmlwrap::getFirstElementValue(response, "NumberReturned");
+    if (!tbuf.empty())
+        didread = atoi(tbuf.c_str());
+    if (count == -1 || count == 0) {
+        PLOGINF("CDService::readDir: got -1 or 0 entries\n");
+        return UPNP_E_BAD_RESPONSE;
+    }
+    tbuf = ixmlwrap::getFirstElementValue(response, "TotalMatches");
+    if (!tbuf.empty())
+        *totalp = atoi(tbuf.c_str());
+    tbuf = ixmlwrap::getFirstElementValue(response, "Result");
 #if 0
-	cerr << "CDService::readDirSlice: count " << count <<
-		" offset " << offset <<
-		" total " << *totalp << endl;
-	cerr << " result " << tbuf << endl;
+    cerr << "CDService::readDirSlice: count " << count <<
+        " offset " << offset <<
+        " total " << *totalp << endl;
+    cerr << " result " << tbuf << endl;
-	dirbuf.parse(tbuf);
-	*didreadp = didread;
-	return UPNP_E_SUCCESS;
+    dirbuf.parse(tbuf);
+    *didreadp = didread;
+    return UPNP_E_SUCCESS;
 int ContentDirectoryService::readDir(const string& objectId,
-									 UPnPDirContent& dirbuf)
-	PLOGDEB("CDService::readDir: url [%s] type [%s] udn [%s] objId [%s]\n",
-			m_actionURL.c_str(), m_serviceType.c_str(), m_deviceId.c_str(),
-			objectId.c_str());
-	int offset = 0;
-	int total = 1000;// Updated on first read.
-	while (offset < total) {
-		int count;
-		int error = readDirSlice(objectId, offset, m_rdreqcnt, dirbuf,
-								 &count, &total);
-		if (error != UPNP_E_SUCCESS)
-			return error;
-		offset += count;
-	}
-	return UPNP_E_SUCCESS;
+                                     UPnPDirContent& dirbuf)
+    PLOGDEB("CDService::readDir: url [%s] type [%s] udn [%s] objId [%s]\n",
+            m_actionURL.c_str(), m_serviceType.c_str(), m_deviceId.c_str(),
+            objectId.c_str());
+    int offset = 0;
+    int total = 1000;// Updated on first read.
+    while (offset < total) {
+        int count;
+        int error = readDirSlice(objectId, offset, m_rdreqcnt, dirbuf,
+                                 &count, &total);
+        if (error != UPNP_E_SUCCESS)
+            return error;
+        offset += count;
+    }
+    return UPNP_E_SUCCESS;
 int ContentDirectoryService::search(const string& objectId,
-									const string& ss,
-									UPnPDirContent& dirbuf)
-	PLOGDEB("CDService::search: url [%s] type [%s] udn [%s] objid [%s] "
-			"search [%s]\n",
-			m_actionURL.c_str(), m_serviceType.c_str(), m_deviceId.c_str(),
-			objectId.c_str(), ss.c_str());
-	LibUPnP* lib = LibUPnP::getLibUPnP();
-	if (lib == 0) {
-		PLOGINF("CDService::search: no lib\n");
-	}
-	UpnpClient_Handle hdl = lib->getclh();
-	int ret = UPNP_E_SUCCESS;
-	IXML_Document *request(0);
-	IXML_Document *response(0);
-	int offset = 0;
-	int total = 1000;// Updated on first read.
-	while (offset < total) {
-		DirBResFree cleaner(&request, &response);
-		char ofbuf[100];
-		sprintf(ofbuf, "%d", offset);
-		// Create request
-		int argcnt = 6;
-		request = UpnpMakeAction(
-			"Search", m_serviceType.c_str(), argcnt,
-			"ContainerID", objectId.c_str(),
-			"SearchCriteria", ss.c_str(),
-			"Filter", "*",
-			"SortCriteria", "",
-			"StartingIndex", ofbuf,
-			"RequestedCount", "0", // Setting a value here gets twonky into fits
-			NULL, NULL);
-		if (request == 0) {
-			PLOGINF("CDService::search: UpnpMakeAction failed\n");
-		}
-		// cerr << "Action xml: [" << ixmlPrintDocument(request) << "]" << endl;
-		ret = UpnpSendAction(hdl, m_actionURL.c_str(), m_serviceType.c_str(),
-							 0 /*devUDN*/, request, &response);
-		if (ret != UPNP_E_SUCCESS) {
-			PLOGINF("CDService::search: UpnpSendAction failed: %s\n",
-					UpnpGetErrorMessage(ret));
-			return ret;
-		}
-		int count = -1;
-		string tbuf =
-			ixmlwrap::getFirstElementValue(response, "NumberReturned");
-		if (!tbuf.empty())
-			count = atoi(tbuf.c_str());
-		if (count == -1 || count == 0) {
-			PLOGINF("CDService::search: got -1 or 0 entries\n");
-			return count == -1 ? UPNP_E_BAD_RESPONSE : UPNP_E_SUCCESS;
-		}
-		offset += count;
-		tbuf = ixmlwrap::getFirstElementValue(response, "TotalMatches");
-		if (!tbuf.empty())
-			total = atoi(tbuf.c_str());
-		tbuf = ixmlwrap::getFirstElementValue(response, "Result");
+                                    const string& ss,
+                                    UPnPDirContent& dirbuf)
+    PLOGDEB("CDService::search: url [%s] type [%s] udn [%s] objid [%s] "
+            "search [%s]\n",
+            m_actionURL.c_str(), m_serviceType.c_str(), m_deviceId.c_str(),
+            objectId.c_str(), ss.c_str());
+    LibUPnP* lib = LibUPnP::getLibUPnP();
+    if (lib == 0) {
+        PLOGINF("CDService::search: no lib\n");
+        return UPNP_E_OUTOF_MEMORY;
+    }
+    UpnpClient_Handle hdl = lib->getclh();
+    int ret = UPNP_E_SUCCESS;
+    IXML_Document *request(0);
+    IXML_Document *response(0);
+    int offset = 0;
+    int total = 1000;// Updated on first read.
+    while (offset < total) {
+        DirBResFree cleaner(&request, &response);
+        char ofbuf[100];
+        sprintf(ofbuf, "%d", offset);
+        // Create request
+        int argcnt = 6;
+        request = UpnpMakeAction(
+            "Search", m_serviceType.c_str(), argcnt,
+            "ContainerID", objectId.c_str(),
+            "SearchCriteria", ss.c_str(),
+            "Filter", "*",
+            "SortCriteria", "",
+            "StartingIndex", ofbuf,
+            "RequestedCount", "0", // Setting a value here gets twonky into fits
+            NULL, NULL);
+        if (request == 0) {
+            PLOGINF("CDService::search: UpnpMakeAction failed\n");
+            return  UPNP_E_OUTOF_MEMORY;
+        }
+        // cerr << "Action xml: [" << ixmlPrintDocument(request) << "]" << endl;
+        ret = UpnpSendAction(hdl, m_actionURL.c_str(), m_serviceType.c_str(),
+                             0 /*devUDN*/, request, &response);
+        if (ret != UPNP_E_SUCCESS) {
+            PLOGINF("CDService::search: UpnpSendAction failed: %s\n",
+                    UpnpGetErrorMessage(ret));
+            return ret;
+        }
+        int count = -1;
+        string tbuf =
+            ixmlwrap::getFirstElementValue(response, "NumberReturned");
+        if (!tbuf.empty())
+            count = atoi(tbuf.c_str());
+        if (count == -1 || count == 0) {
+            PLOGINF("CDService::search: got -1 or 0 entries\n");
+            return count == -1 ? UPNP_E_BAD_RESPONSE : UPNP_E_SUCCESS;
+        }
+        offset += count;
+        tbuf = ixmlwrap::getFirstElementValue(response, "TotalMatches");
+        if (!tbuf.empty())
+            total = atoi(tbuf.c_str());
+        tbuf = ixmlwrap::getFirstElementValue(response, "Result");
 #if 0
-		cerr << "CDService::search: count " << count <<
-			" offset " << offset <<
-			" total " << total << endl;
-		cerr << " result " << tbuf << endl;
+        cerr << "CDService::search: count " << count <<
+            " offset " << offset <<
+            " total " << total << endl;
+        cerr << " result " << tbuf << endl;
-		dirbuf.parse(tbuf);
-	}
-	return UPNP_E_SUCCESS;
+        dirbuf.parse(tbuf);
+    }
+    return UPNP_E_SUCCESS;
 int ContentDirectoryService::getSearchCapabilities(set<string>& result)
-	PLOGDEB("CDService::getSearchCapabilities:\n");
-	LibUPnP* lib = LibUPnP::getLibUPnP();
-	if (lib == 0) {
-		PLOGINF("CDService::getSearchCapabilities: no lib\n");
-	}
-	UpnpClient_Handle hdl = lib->getclh();
-	int ret = UPNP_E_SUCCESS;
-	IXML_Document *request(0);
-	IXML_Document *response(0);
-	request = UpnpMakeAction("GetSearchCapabilities", m_serviceType.c_str(),
-							 0,
-							 NULL, NULL);
-	if (request == 0) {
-		PLOGINF("CDService::getSearchCapa: UpnpMakeAction failed\n");
-	}
-	//cerr << "Action xml: [" << ixmlPrintDocument(request) << "]" << endl;
-	ret = UpnpSendAction(hdl, m_actionURL.c_str(), m_serviceType.c_str(),
-						 0 /*devUDN*/, request, &response);
-	if (ret != UPNP_E_SUCCESS) {
-		PLOGINF("CDService::getSearchCapa: UpnpSendAction failed: %s\n",
-				UpnpGetErrorMessage(ret));
-		return ret;
-	}
-	//cerr << "getSearchCapa: response xml: [" << ixmlPrintDocument(response)
-	// << "]" << endl;
-	string tbuf = ixmlwrap::getFirstElementValue(response, "SearchCaps");
-	// cerr << "getSearchCapa: capa: [" << tbuf << "]" << endl;
-	result.clear();
-	if (!tbuf.compare("*")) {
-		result.insert(result.end(), "*");
-	} else if (!tbuf.empty()) {
-		if (!csvToStrings(tbuf, result)) {
-		}
-	}
-	return UPNP_E_SUCCESS;
+    PLOGDEB("CDService::getSearchCapabilities:\n");
+    LibUPnP* lib = LibUPnP::getLibUPnP();
+    if (lib == 0) {
+        PLOGINF("CDService::getSearchCapabilities: no lib\n");
+        return UPNP_E_OUTOF_MEMORY;
+    }
+    UpnpClient_Handle hdl = lib->getclh();
+    int ret = UPNP_E_SUCCESS;
+    IXML_Document *request(0);
+    IXML_Document *response(0);
+    request = UpnpMakeAction("GetSearchCapabilities", m_serviceType.c_str(),
+                             0,
+                             NULL, NULL);
+    if (request == 0) {
+        PLOGINF("CDService::getSearchCapa: UpnpMakeAction failed\n");
+        return  UPNP_E_OUTOF_MEMORY;
+    }
+    //cerr << "Action xml: [" << ixmlPrintDocument(request) << "]" << endl;
+    ret = UpnpSendAction(hdl, m_actionURL.c_str(), m_serviceType.c_str(),
+                         0 /*devUDN*/, request, &response);
+    if (ret != UPNP_E_SUCCESS) {
+        PLOGINF("CDService::getSearchCapa: UpnpSendAction failed: %s\n",
+                UpnpGetErrorMessage(ret));
+        return ret;
+    }
+    //cerr << "getSearchCapa: response xml: [" << ixmlPrintDocument(response)
+    // << "]" << endl;
+    string tbuf = ixmlwrap::getFirstElementValue(response, "SearchCaps");
+    // cerr << "getSearchCapa: capa: [" << tbuf << "]" << endl;
+    result.clear();
+    if (!tbuf.compare("*")) {
+        result.insert(result.end(), "*");
+    } else if (!tbuf.empty()) {
+        if (!csvToStrings(tbuf, result)) {
+            return UPNP_E_BAD_RESPONSE;
+        }
+    }
+    return UPNP_E_SUCCESS;
 int ContentDirectoryService::getMetadata(const string& objectId,
-										 UPnPDirContent& dirbuf)
-	PLOGDEB("CDService::getMetadata: url [%s] type [%s] udn [%s] objId [%s]\n",
-			m_actionURL.c_str(), m_serviceType.c_str(), m_deviceId.c_str(),
-			objectId.c_str());
-	LibUPnP* lib = LibUPnP::getLibUPnP();
-	if (lib == 0) {
-		PLOGINF("CDService::getMetadata: no lib\n");
-	}
-	UpnpClient_Handle hdl = lib->getclh();
-	int ret = UPNP_E_SUCCESS;
-	IXML_Document *request(0);
-	IXML_Document *response(0);
-	DirBResFree cleaner(&request, &response);
-	// Create request
-	int argcnt = 6;
-	request = UpnpMakeAction("Browse", m_serviceType.c_str(), argcnt,
-							 "ObjectID", objectId.c_str(),
-							 "BrowseFlag", "BrowseMetadata",
-							 "Filter", "*",
-							 "SortCriteria", "",
-							 "StartingIndex", "0",
-							 "RequestedCount", "1",
-							 NULL, NULL);
-	if (request == 0) {
-		PLOGINF("CDService::getmetadata: UpnpMakeAction failed\n");
-	}
-	//cerr << "Action xml: [" << ixmlPrintDocument(request) << "]" << endl;
-	ret = UpnpSendAction(hdl, m_actionURL.c_str(), m_serviceType.c_str(),
-						 0 /*devUDN*/, request, &response);
-	if (ret != UPNP_E_SUCCESS) {
-		PLOGINF("CDService::getmetadata: UpnpSendAction failed: %s\n",
-				UpnpGetErrorMessage(ret));
-		return ret;
-	}
-	string tbuf = ixmlwrap::getFirstElementValue(response, "Result");
-	if (dirbuf.parse(tbuf))
-		return UPNP_E_SUCCESS;
-	else
-/* Local Variables: */
-/* mode: c++ */
-/* c-basic-offset: 4 */
-/* tab-width: 4 */
-/* indent-tabs-mode: t */
-/* End: */
+                                         UPnPDirContent& dirbuf)
+    PLOGDEB("CDService::getMetadata: url [%s] type [%s] udn [%s] objId [%s]\n",
+            m_actionURL.c_str(), m_serviceType.c_str(), m_deviceId.c_str(),
+            objectId.c_str());
+    LibUPnP* lib = LibUPnP::getLibUPnP();
+    if (lib == 0) {
+        PLOGINF("CDService::getMetadata: no lib\n");
+        return UPNP_E_OUTOF_MEMORY;
+    }
+    UpnpClient_Handle hdl = lib->getclh();
+    int ret = UPNP_E_SUCCESS;
+    IXML_Document *request(0);
+    IXML_Document *response(0);
+    DirBResFree cleaner(&request, &response);
+    // Create request
+    int argcnt = 6;
+    request = UpnpMakeAction("Browse", m_serviceType.c_str(), argcnt,
+                             "ObjectID", objectId.c_str(),
+                             "BrowseFlag", "BrowseMetadata",
+                             "Filter", "*",
+                             "SortCriteria", "",
+                             "StartingIndex", "0",
+                             "RequestedCount", "1",
+                             NULL, NULL);
+    if (request == 0) {
+        PLOGINF("CDService::getmetadata: UpnpMakeAction failed\n");
+        return  UPNP_E_OUTOF_MEMORY;
+    }
+    //cerr << "Action xml: [" << ixmlPrintDocument(request) << "]" << endl;
+    ret = UpnpSendAction(hdl, m_actionURL.c_str(), m_serviceType.c_str(),
+                         0 /*devUDN*/, request, &response);
+    if (ret != UPNP_E_SUCCESS) {
+        PLOGINF("CDService::getmetadata: UpnpSendAction failed: %s\n",
+                UpnpGetErrorMessage(ret));
+        return ret;
+    }
+    string tbuf = ixmlwrap::getFirstElementValue(response, "Result");
+    if (dirbuf.parse(tbuf))
+        return UPNP_E_SUCCESS;
+    else
+        return UPNP_E_BAD_RESPONSE;
+} // namespace UPnPClient