Ruben de Juan

Two repositores have been created for storing and sharing service application manifests and deployment manifests. Those two repositories are:

  • Service. This repository is used for storing C2NET service application and deployment manifests. It has to be used as follows:
    • master branch is used for the official C2NET service application and deployment manifests
    • while other branches are used for C2NET services used for demos, storing also both the service application and the deployment manifests.
  • Tests. This repository is used for storing service application and deployment manifests used for testing specific components. It has to be used as follows:
    • master branch is used for test service application and deployment manifests to be shared among partners
    • while other branches should be used by partners to put their test service application and deployment manifests for own usage (maybe some of them later on are promoted to the master branch in order to be shared).