{% import 'allura:templates/jinja_master/lib.html' as lib with context %}
Topic | Posts | Views | Last Post | |||
{% if not thread.first_post %} |
{% if 'flags' in thread and 'Sticky' in thread.flags %}
{% endif %}
{{thread.subject and h.text.truncate(thread.subject, 72) or '(no subject)'}} |
{% else %}
{% set author = thread.first_post.author() %}
{% if 'flags' in thread and 'Sticky' in thread.flags %}
{% endif %}
{{thread.subject and h.text.truncate(thread.subject, 72) or '(no subject)'}}By {{author.display_name}} on {{thread.first_post.timestamp.strftime('%a %b %d, %Y %I:%M %p')}} |
{% endif %}
{{thread.num_replies}} | {{thread.num_views}} | {% if not thread.last_post %}{% else %} {% set author = thread.last_post.author() %} |
By {{lib.gravatar(author, size=16)}}{{author.display_name}} |
{% endif %}