--- a
+++ b/ForgeChat/forgechat/main.py
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+'''IRC Chatbot Plugin
+#-*- python -*-
+import logging
+from datetime import date, time, datetime, timedelta
+# Non-stdlib imports
+import pkg_resources
+from tg import expose, validate, redirect
+from tg.decorators import with_trailing_slash
+from pylons import g, c, request
+from formencode import validators
+from pymongo.bson import ObjectId
+# Pyforge-specific imports
+from allura.app import Application, ConfigOption, SitemapEntry, DefaultAdminController
+from allura.lib import helpers as h
+from allura.lib.search import search
+from allura.lib.decorators import audit, react
+from allura.lib.security import require, has_artifact_access
+from allura.model import ProjectRole
+from allura.controllers import BaseController
+# Local imports
+from forgechat import model as CM
+from forgechat import version
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class ForgeChatApp(Application):
+    __version__ = version.__version__
+    tool_label='Chat'
+    default_mount_label='Chat'
+    default_mount_point='chat'
+    ordinal=12
+    installable = True
+    permissions = ['configure', 'read' ]
+    config_options = Application.config_options + [
+        ConfigOption('channel', str, ''),
+        ]
+    def __init__(self, project, config):
+        Application.__init__(self, project, config)
+        self.root = RootController()
+        self.admin = AdminController(self)
+    @property
+    @h.exceptionless([], log)
+    def sitemap(self):
+        menu_id = self.config.options.mount_label.title()
+        with h.push_config(c, app=self):
+            return [
+                SitemapEntry(menu_id, '.')[self.sidebar_menu()] ]
+    @h.exceptionless([], log)
+    def sidebar_menu(self):
+        return [
+            SitemapEntry('Home', '.'),
+            SitemapEntry('Search', 'search'),
+            ]
+    def admin_menu(self):
+        admin_url = c.project.url()+'admin/'+self.config.options.mount_point+'/'
+        links = [
+            SitemapEntry('Options',
+                         admin_url + 'options',
+                         className='nav_child'),
+            SitemapEntry('Permissions',
+                         admin_url + 'permissions/',
+                         className='nav_child'),
+            ]
+        return links
+    @property
+    def templates(self):
+         return pkg_resources.resource_filename('forgechat', 'templates')
+    def install(self, project):
+        'Set up any default permissions and roles here'
+        super(ForgeChatApp, self).install(project)
+        # Give the installing user all the permissions
+        pr = c.user.project_role()
+        for perm in self.permissions:
+              self.config.acl[perm] = [ pr._id ]
+        self.config.acl['read'].append(
+            ProjectRole.query.get(name='*anonymous')._id)
+        CM.ChatChannel(
+            project_id=self.config.project_id,
+            app_config_id=self.config._id,
+            channel=self.config.options['channel'])
+    def uninstall(self, project):
+        "Remove all the tool's artifacts from the database"
+        CM.ChatChannel.query.remove(dict(
+                project_id=self.config.project_id,
+                app_config_id=self.config._id))
+        super(ForgeChatApp, self).uninstall(project)
+class AdminController(DefaultAdminController):
+    @with_trailing_slash
+    @expose('forgechat.templates.admin')
+    def index(self, **kw):
+        redirect('options')
+    @expose()
+    def configure(self, channel=None):
+        with h.push_config(c, app=self.app):
+            require(has_artifact_access('configure', app=self.app),
+                    'Must have configure permission')
+            chan = CM.ChatChannel.query.get(
+                project_id=self.app.config.project_id,
+                app_config_id=self.app.config._id)
+            chan.channel = channel
+        super(AdminController, self).configure(channel=channel)
+class RootController(BaseController):
+    @expose()
+    def index(self, **kw):
+        now = datetime.utcnow()
+        redirect(c.app.url + now.strftime('%Y/%m/%d/'))
+    @expose('forgechat.templates.search')
+    @validate(dict(q=validators.UnicodeString(if_empty=None),
+                   history=validators.StringBool(if_empty=False)))
+    def search(self, q=None, history=None):
+        'local tool search'
+        results = []
+        count=0
+        if not q:
+            q = ''
+        else:
+            results = search(
+                q,
+                fq=[
+                    'is_history_b:%s' % history,
+                    'project_id_s:%s' % c.project._id,
+                    'mount_point_s:%s'% c.app.config.options.mount_point ])
+            if results: count=results.hits
+        return dict(q=q, history=history, results=results or [], count=count)
+    @expose()
+    def _lookup(self, y, m, d, *rest):
+        y,m,d = int(y), int(m), int(d)
+        return DayController(date(y,m,d)), rest
+class DayController(RootController):
+    def __init__(self, day):
+        self.day = day
+    @expose('forgechat.templates.day')
+    def index(self, **kw):
+        q = dict(
+            timestamp={
+                '$gte':datetime.combine(self.day, time.min),
+                '$lte':datetime.combine(self.day, time.max)})
+        messages = CM.ChatMessage.query.find(q).sort('timestamp').all()
+        prev = c.app.url + (self.day - timedelta(days=1)).strftime('%Y/%m/%d/')
+        next = c.app.url + (self.day + timedelta(days=1)).strftime('%Y/%m/%d/')
+        return dict(
+            day=self.day,
+            messages=messages,
+            prev=prev,
+            next=next)