--- a/pyforge/docs/guides/message_bus.rst
+++ b/pyforge/docs/guides/message_bus.rst
@@ -4,28 +4,138 @@
 Writing event listeners
-TODO: write about event listeners in general
+Our event system is driven by RabbitMQ and a whole message bus framework, 
+most of which you can ignore, because we've simplified it down to 
+two kinds of event listeners, *auditors* and *reactors*. 
-Our event system is driven by RabbitMQ, most of which you can ignore,
-because we've simplified it down to two kinds of event listeners: 
-.. image:: _static/images/amqp.png
+.. image:: ../_static/images/amqp.png
    :alt: App Plugins
-Basically you either get: 
-* Immediate, best effort messages
-* Queue based messages will be processed (eventually)
-The pyforge platform creates a pool of queue consumers that handle messages, 
-and it calls all the Reactors that are registered for that event. 
+Before we get into the details perhaps a few definitions are in order:
-Or, you can ask for immediate message receipt, with now guarantee of delivery. 
+* *app* -- plugin for pyforge such as the tracker, scm, or wiki apps
+* *message event* -- any incoming message that's added to one of the amqp 
+  queues
+* *auditor* -- callable defined in a app that gets called on messages 
+  BEFORE the changes are persisted to mongo
+* *reactor* -- callable defined in an app that gets called on message events 
+  AFTER the message has been persisted to mongo
+* *queue* -- durable round robin style centralized queue with one or more 
+  consumers
+* *app_exchange* -- durable queue for messages to app_queues
+* *reactor_exchange* --  durable queue for messages to reactor_queues
+* *reactor_listener* -- *should not* put things back on the queue and 
+  particularly not on the *same* queue, because that can cause infinite loops. 
+* *app_queue* -- queue defined by an app plugin, has a single queue instance 
+  for the system.
+* *app_listeners* -- consumers for app_queues, must route appropriately to 
+  project/subproject/app instance based on message contents, and call all 
+  appropriate auditors, then persisting to mongodb.
+* *consumer* -- workers that listen to a specific queue and 
+  managing calling the appropriate auditors, persisting changes to 
+  the DB (if requered), and calling the appropriate reactors.
-Writing your own WebHooks
+System Overview
-There's no reason a event listener can't call out over HTTP to some web 
+PyForge uses carrot as the Python library to connect to AMQP 
+(and possibly STOMP for async browser notifications in the future). 
+We will be using a single _durable, topic_ exchange 'exchange'.
-TODO: Document reactors that implement web-hooks after we write some ;) 
+Carrot provides Publisher and Consumer classes. Each consumer defines a queue 
+and a (single) routing key pattern.  Messages are distributed to only _one_ 
+consumer on each queue, even if multiple consumers are listening.
+When a publisher publishes a message, it specifies a routing key for that 
+message.  The exchange then delivers a copy of the message to every queue 
+whose routing key pattern matches the routing key for the message. 
+   Since it would not be feasible to register a queue for each project, we 
+will be registering one or more queues per app.  Each app defines a list of
+(routing pattern, callback function) pairs for the routing patterns it is 
+interested in.  Queues will be named according to the app that registers them (a wiki's queues might be wiki_0, wiki_1, etc.).
+   We will build a message worker program that will do the following at startup:
+* For each plugin P installed on the system:
+    * For each (pattern, callback) pair (p,c) in P:
+        * Start a worker process which will construct one consumer for a 
+          new queue and register for the routing pattern p and the callback 
+          function c
+The callback function itself is responsible for inspecting the message to determine which project generated the message and whether any other actions need to be taken.
+Routing Keys
+Routing keys refer to the _topic_ of a message, not necessarily to its _destination_.  In this way, we decouple the producers and consumers of messages.  A routing key will generally have the form _source.topic_.  For instance, a message may be generated by the scm plugin with the routing key `scm.commit`.  The message body would identify the project and particular SCM instance that _generated_ the message.  The tracker plugin would then have a listener on the scm.# routing pattern and would be invoked on each SCM commit.
+Note that in the case of email messages, the email address does _not_ directly map to the routing key; the particular project/plugin that is the destination of the email message is encoded into the message body itself.
+We will instantiate two AMQP exchanges, 'audit' and 'react'.  Each plugin may register consumers on these exchanges. 
+   The audit exchange is typically used to request a particular plugin instance in a particular project to perform some action (change the state of a ticket, index an object in SOLR, add a comment to a wiki page or ticket, etc.)  To register a consumer on the auditor exchange, decorate a method in the application class with the @audit decorator, specifying which routing keys you are interested in (these decorators can be stacked).  For instance, to audit messages destined for the hello_forge plugin, you might write:
+   @audit('hello_forge.#')
+   def auditor(self, routing_key, data):
+       # do some stuff
+When a message is received on the 'audit' exchange with the 
+'hello_forge.comment' routing key, the worker process will inspect the message 
+for _project_id_ and _mount_point_ fields and use these to populate the pylons 
+context object 'c' with the current project and plugin application instance.  
+The auditor method is then called with the application instance and the 
+routing key and payload from the message. 
+The react exchange is typically used to notify all the interested plugins in 
+a project of changes in a particular plugin.  For instance, when a commit is 
+made to the SCM plugin, a notification message would be sent to the 'react' 
+exchange to allow, for instance, a ticket noted in the commit message to be 
+linked to the commit object.  To register a consumer for the reactor exchange, 
+decorate a method in the application class with the @react decorator, 
+specifying which routing keys you are interested in.  (Like the @audit  
+decorator, these decorators can be stacked).  For instance, to react to
+notifications of wiki comments, you might write:
+   @react('wiki.#')
+   def reactor(self, routing_key, data);
+       # do some stuff
+When a message is received on the `react` exchange with the `wiki.comment`
+routing key, the worker process will inspect the message for the _project_id_ 
+field and use this to populate the pylons context object with the current 
+project.  It will then cycle through _all_instances_ of the plugin for the 
+given project, setting the `c.app` context and invoking the reactor 
+method with that instance, the routing key, and the payload from the 
+message.  This allows each instance to decide what action to take in 
+response to the message.
+Decorating Class Methods
+In the above description, the consumer methods were always called in the context of a particular application instance.  If you wish the consumer to be called as a class method (and to be called only once in the case of @react), simply use the @audit and @react methods on class methods. 
+Configuring the Queues and Running the Reactor Workers
+In order to configure the queues, we have written a paster command 
+`reactor_setup`.  This command will tear down any existing `audit` and `react` 
+exchanges and re-create them.  It then creates one queue for each consumer 
+method defined in all installed plugins and binds these queues appropriately 
+to their exchanges.  To actually run the reactor workers, we have written a 
+paster command `reactor` which creates a worker process for each queue.