{% import 'allura:templates/jinja_master/lib.html' as lib with context %}

{% set size = value.parent and 32 or 48 %} {{lib.gravatar(value.author(), size=size)}}

{% if value.status == 'pending' %} Post awaiting moderation. {% else %} {% if show_subject %} {{value.subject or '(no subject)'}}
{% endif %} {{g.markdown.convert(value.text)|safe}}  {{lib.related_artifacts(value)}} {% if value.edit_count %}
Last edit: {{value.last_edit_by().display_name}} {{h.ago(value.last_edit_date)}} {% endif %} {% endif %}
{% if h.has_access(value.thread, 'post')() %} {% endif %} {% if h.has_access(value, 'moderate')() %} {% endif %} {% if value.attachments %}
{% for att in value.attachments %}
{% if att.is_image() %} Thumbnail
{{att.filename}} {% else %} {{att.filename}} {% endif %} {% if c.user._id and value.author_id==c.user._id %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if value.status == 'ok' %} Reply
{% if c.user != c.user.anonymous() %}Edit
{% endif %} {% if h.has_access(value, 'moderate')() %} {{widgets.moderate_post.display(value=value, action=value.url()+'moderate')}} {% endif %} {% if h.has_access(value.thread, 'post')() %} Attach {% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if h.has_access(value.thread, 'moderate')() and 'promote_to_thread' in widgets and not supress_promote %} {% endif %}