# # allura - TurboGears 2 testing environment configuration # # The %(here)s variable will be replaced with the parent directory of this file # [DEFAULT] debug = true # Uncomment and replace with the address which should receive any error reports # email_to = you@yourdomain.com smtp_server = localhost error_email_from = paste@localhost [server:main] use = egg:Paste#http host = port = 5000 [app:main] use = config:../Allura/sandbox-test.ini [app:main_without_authn] use = config:../Allura/sandbox-test.ini#main_without_authn [app:main_with_amqp] use = config:../Allura/sandbox-test.ini#main_with_amqp [loggers] keys = root [handlers] keys = test [formatters] keys = generic [logger_root] level = INFO handlers = test [handler_test] class = FileHandler args = ('test.log',) level = NOTSET formatter = generic [formatter_generic] format = %(asctime)s,%(msecs)03d %(levelname)-5.5s [%(name)s] %(message)s datefmt = %H:%M:%S