--- a/migrate-3rdparty/trac_export.py
+++ b/migrate-3rdparty/trac_export.py
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 Export ticket data from a Trac instance''')
     optparser.add_option('-o', '--out-file', dest='out_filename', help='Write to file (default stdout)')
-    optparser.add_option('--no-attachments', dest='do_attachments', action='store_false', defaulr=True, help='Export attachment info')
+    optparser.add_option('--no-attachments', dest='do_attachments', action='store_false', default=True, help='Export attachment info')
     optparser.add_option('--only-tickets', dest='only_tickets', action='store_true', help='Export only ticket list')
     optparser.add_option('--start', dest='start_id', type='int', default=1, help='Start with given ticket numer (or next accessible)')
     optparser.add_option('--limit', dest='limit', type='int', default=None, help='Limit number of tickets')
@@ -154,10 +154,10 @@
             d['by'] = attach.find(text=re.compile('added by')).nextSibling.renderContents()
             d['description'] = ''
             # Skip whitespace
-            while type(attach.nextSibling) is NavigableString:
+            while attach.nextSibling and type(attach.nextSibling) is NavigableString:
                 attach = attach.nextSibling
             # if there's a description, there will be a <dd> element, other immediately next <dt>
-            if attach.nextSibling.name == 'dd':
+            if attach.nextSibling and attach.nextSibling.name == 'dd':
                 desc_el = attach.nextSibling
                 if desc_el:
                     # TODO: Convert to Allura link syntax as needed