--- a/ForgeWiki/forgewiki/model/wiki.py
+++ b/ForgeWiki/forgewiki/model/wiki.py
@@ -51,12 +51,6 @@
     def email_address(self):
         return self.original().email_address
-    def root_comments(self):
-        if '_id' in self:
-            return Comment.query.find(dict(page_id=self.artifact_id, parent_id=None))
-        else:
-            return []
 class Page(VersionedArtifact):
     class __mongometa__:
@@ -135,18 +129,11 @@
-    # return Comment(page_id=self._id, text=text)
     def html_text(self):
         """A markdown processed version of the page text"""
         return g.markdown_wiki.convert(self.text)
-    def root_comments(self):
-        if '_id' in self:
-            return Comment.query.find(dict(page_id=self._id, parent_id=None))
-        else:
-            return []
 class Attachment(File):
     class __mongometa__:
@@ -169,55 +156,5 @@
     def url(self):
         return self.page.url() + 'attachment/' + self.filename
-class Comment(Message):
-    class __mongometa__:
-        name='comment'
-    page_id=ForeignIdProperty(Page)
-    page = RelationProperty(Page)
-    def index(self):
-        result = Message.index(self)
-        author = self.author()
-        result.update(
-            title_s='Comment on page %s by %s' % (
-                self.page.title, author.display_name),
-            type_s='Comment on WikiPage',
-            page_title_t=self.page.title)
-        return result
-    def reply(self, text):
-        Feed.post(self.page, text)
-        r = Message.reply(self)
-        r.text = text
-        return r
-    @property
-    def page(self):
-        """The page this comment connects too"""
-        return Page.query.get(_id=self.page_id)
-    @property
-    def posted_ago(self):
-        comment_td = (datetime.utcnow() - self.timestamp)
-        if comment_td.seconds < 3600 and comment_td.days < 1:
-            return "%s minutes ago" % (comment_td.seconds / 60)
-        elif comment_td.seconds >= 3600 and comment_td.days < 1:
-            return "%s hours ago" % (comment_td.seconds / 3600)
-        elif comment_td.days >= 1 and comment_td.days < 7:
-            return "%s days ago" % comment_td.days
-        elif comment_td.days >= 7 and comment_td.days < 30:
-            return "%s weeks ago" % (comment_td.days / 7)
-        elif comment_td.days >= 30 and comment_td.days < 365:
-            return "%s months ago" % (comment_td.days / 30)
-        else:
-            return "%s years ago" % (comment_td.days / 365)
-    def url(self):
-        """The URL for the page for this comment"""
-        return self.page.url() + '#comment-' + self._id
-    def shorthand_id(self):
-        return '%s-%s' % (self.page.title, self._id)