--- a/pyforge/docs/guides/markup.rst
+++ b/pyforge/docs/guides/markup.rst
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
 Guide to the PyForge markup system
-Markup transformations in PyForge are implemented as a, surprise surprise, reactor plugin. 
+Markup transformations in PyForge are implemented as a, surprise surprise, reactor tool.
 The markup language in PyForge is based on MarkDown (http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/)
-Other markup languages could be implemented with a new markup reactor plugin...
+Other markup languages could be implemented with a new markup reactor tool...
 TODO: Is this true, or did we decide to just go with markdown? 
 Extending the artifact/link system
-There is a special kind of queue based pluging that allows you to
+There is a special kind of queue based tool that allows you to
 extend the standard artifact reference system to add new artifact
 types (eg: sf:tg:ticket:149) and extend the syntax of our markup
 language (based on  Waylan Limberg's excellent markdown implementation