--- a
+++ b/pyforge/flyway/migrate.py
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+import logging
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class MigrationMeta(type):
+    '''Metaclass providing a registry of migrations.
+    If the class-level variable _current_migrations_module is
+    defined, then migrations will be registered according to that
+    module and their declared version.  (The migrate command
+    sets this module according to the migration's entry point name.)
+    '''
+    def __init__(cls, name, bases, dct):
+        if cls._current_migrations_module is None: return
+        cls.migrations_registry[
+            cls._current_migrations_module, cls.version] = cls
+        cls.module = cls._current_migrations_module
+    def get(cls, module, version):
+        '''Load a Migration class from the registry'''
+        return cls.migrations_registry[module, version]
+    def latest_versions(cls):
+        result = {}
+        for k,v in cls.migrations_registry:
+            if result.get(k, -1) < v:
+                result[k] = v
+        return result
+class Migration(object):
+    __metaclass__ = MigrationMeta
+    version = 0
+    module = None # filled in automatically by Metaclass
+    migrations_registry = {}
+    _current_migrations_module = None
+    def __init__(self, session):
+        self.session = session
+    def requires(self):
+        '''Returns a list of requirements that must be met before upgrading to
+        this migration.  By default, returns the previous-versioned migration'''
+        return [ (self.module, self.version-1) ]
+    def up(self):
+        '''Upgrade to a new schema version'''
+        raise NotImplementedError, 'up'
+    def down(self):
+        '''Downgrade from this schema version (undo an 'up') '''
+        raise NotImplementedError, 'down'
+    def ensure_index(self, cls, fields, **kwargs):
+        '''Ensures that a particular index has been created in the DB'''
+        self.session.ensure_index(cls, fields, **kwargs)
+    def drop_index(self, cls, fields):
+        '''Ensures that a particular index has been dropped from  the DB'''
+        self.session.drop_index(cls, fields)
+    def set_indexes(self, cls):
+        '''Ensures that a the only indexes on a class are those defined in its
+        __mongometa__ attribute.'''
+        self.session.drop_indexes(cls)
+        self.session.ensure_indexes(cls)