--- a/Allura/test-light.py
+++ b/Allura/test-light.py
@@ -1,32 +1,17 @@
 import sys
-import logging
-from collections import defaultdict
-from itertools import chain, izip
-from datetime import datetime
-from cPickle import dumps
-import bson
 from pylons import c
-from pymongo.errors import DuplicateKeyError
-from ming.base import Object
 from allura.lib import helpers as h
-from allura.lib import utils
 from allura.model.repo import CommitDoc, TreeDoc, TreesDoc, DiffInfoDoc
 from allura.model.repo import LastCommitDoc, CommitRunDoc
-from allura.model.repo import Commit
-from allura.model.index import ArtifactReferenceDoc, ShortlinkDoc
-log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+from allura.model.repo_refresh import refresh_repo
 def main():
     if len(sys.argv) > 1:
         c.project.install_app('Git', 'code', 'Code', init_from_url='/home/rick446/src/forge')
-    h.set_context('test', 'code')
+        c.project.install_app('Hg', 'code2', 'Code2', init_from_url='/home/rick446/src/Kajiki')
@@ -34,366 +19,11 @@
-    # Get all commits (repo-specific)
-    all_commit_ids = list(c.app.repo.all_commit_ids())
+    h.set_context('test', 'code')
+    refresh_repo(c.app.repo, notify=False)
+    h.set_context('test', 'code2')
+    refresh_repo(c.app.repo, notify=False)
-    # Skip commits that are already in the DB (repo-agnostic)
-    commit_ids = unknown_commit_ids(all_commit_ids)
-    # commit_ids = commit_ids[:500]
-    log.info('Refreshing %d commits', len(commit_ids))
-    # Refresh commits (repo-specific)
-    seen = set()
-    for i, oid in enumerate(commit_ids):
-        c.app.repo.refresh_commit_info(oid, seen)
-        if (i+1) % 100 == 0:
-            log.info('Refresh commit info %d: %s', (i+1), oid)
-    #############################################
-    # Everything below here is repo-agnostic
-    #############################################
-    refresh_repo(commit_ids, c.app.repo)
-    # Refresh child references
-    seen = set()
-    parents = set()
-    for i, oid in enumerate(commit_ids):
-        ci = CommitDoc.m.find(dict(_id=oid), validate=False).next()
-        refresh_children(ci)
-        seen.add(ci._id)
-        parents.update(ci.parent_ids)
-        if (i+1) % 100 == 0:
-            log.info('Refresh child (a) info %d: %s', (i+1), ci._id)
-    for j, oid in enumerate(parents-seen):
-        try:
-            ci = CommitDoc.m.find(dict(_id=oid), validate=False).next()
-        except StopIteration:
-            continue
-        refresh_children(ci)
-        if (i + j + 1) % 100 == 0:
-            log.info('Refresh child (b) info %d: %s', (i + j + 1), ci._id)
-    # Refresh commit runs
-    rb = CommitRunBuilder(commit_ids)
-    rb.run()
-    rb.cleanup()
-    # Refresh trees
-    cache = {}
-    for i, oid in enumerate(commit_ids):
-        ci = CommitDoc.m.find(dict(_id=oid), validate=False).next()
-        cache = refresh_commit_trees(ci, cache)
-        if (i+1) % 100 == 0:
-            log.info('Refresh commit trees %d: %s', (i+1), ci._id)
-    # Compute diffs
-    cache = {}
-    for i, oid in enumerate(commit_ids):
-        ci = CommitDoc.m.find(dict(_id=oid), validate=False).next()
-        compute_diffs(c.app.repo._id, cache, ci)
-        if (i+1) % 100 == 0:
-            log.info('Compute diffs %d: %s', (i+1), ci._id)
-def refresh_commit_trees(ci, cache):
-    trees_doc = TreesDoc(dict(
-            _id=ci._id,
-            tree_ids = list(trees(ci.tree_id, cache))))
-    trees_doc.m.save(safe=False)
-    new_cache = dict(
-        (oid, cache[oid])
-        for oid in trees_doc.tree_ids)
-    return new_cache
-def refresh_commit_info(ci, seen):
-    if CommitDoc.m.find(dict(_id=ci.hexsha)).count() != 0:
-        return False
-    try:
-        ci_doc = CommitDoc(dict(
-                _id=ci.hexsha,
-                tree_id=ci.tree.hexsha,
-                committed = Object(
-                    name=h.really_unicode(ci.committer.name),
-                    email=h.really_unicode(ci.committer.email),
-                    date=datetime.utcfromtimestamp(
-                        ci.committed_date-ci.committer_tz_offset)),
-                authored = Object(
-                    name=h.really_unicode(ci.author.name),
-                    email=h.really_unicode(ci.author.email),
-                    date=datetime.utcfromtimestamp(
-                        ci.authored_date-ci.author_tz_offset)),
-                message=h.really_unicode(ci.message or ''),
-                child_ids=[],
-                parent_ids = [ p.hexsha for p in ci.parents ]))
-        ci_doc.m.insert(safe=True)
-    except DuplicateKeyError:
-        return False
-    refresh_tree(ci.tree, seen)
-    return True
-def refresh_repo(commit_ids, repo):
-    for oids in utils.chunked_iter(commit_ids, QSIZE):
-        oids = list(oids)
-        # Create shortlinks and artifactrefs
-        for oid in oids:
-            index_id = 'allura.model.repo.Commit#' + oid
-            ref = ArtifactReferenceDoc(dict(
-                    _id=index_id,
-                    artifact_reference=dict(
-                        cls=dumps(Commit),
-                        project_id=repo.app.config.project_id,
-                    app_config_id=repo.app.config._id,
-                        artifact_id=oid),
-                    references=[]))
-            link = ShortlinkDoc(dict(
-                    _id=bson.ObjectId(),
-                    ref_id=index_id,
-                    project_id=repo.app.config.project_id,
-                    app_config_id=repo.app.config._id,
-                    link=repo.shorthand_for_commit(oid),
-                    url=repo.url() + 'ci/' + oid + '/'))
-            ref.m.save(safe=False, validate=False)
-            link.m.save(safe=False, validate=False)
-        CommitDoc.m.update_partial(
-            dict(
-                _id={'$in': oids},
-                repo_ids={'$ne': repo._id}),
-            {'$addToSet': dict(repo_ids=repo._id)},
-            multi=True)
-def refresh_children(ci):
-    CommitDoc.m.update_partial(
-        dict(_id={'$in': ci.parent_ids}),
-        {'$addToSet': dict(child_ids=ci._id)},
-        multi=True)
-class CommitRunBuilder(object):
-    def __init__(self, commit_ids):
-        self.commit_ids = commit_ids
-        self.run_index = {} # by commit ID
-        self.runs = {}          # by run ID
-        self.reasons = {}    # reasons to stop merging runs
-    def run(self):
-        for oids in utils.chunked_iter(self.commit_ids, QSIZE):
-            oids = list(oids)
-            commits = list(CommitDoc.m.find(dict(_id={'$in':oids})))
-            for ci in commits:
-                if ci._id in self.run_index: continue
-                self.run_index[ci._id] = ci._id
-                self.runs[ci._id] = CommitRunDoc(dict(
-                        _id=ci._id,
-                        parent_commit_ids=ci.parent_ids,
-                        commit_ids=[ci._id],
-                        commit_times=[ci.authored.date]))
-            self.merge_runs()
-        log.info('%d runs', len(self.runs))
-        for rid, run in sorted(self.runs.items()):
-            log.info('%32s: %r', self.reasons.get(rid, 'none'), run._id)
-        for run in self.runs.itervalues():
-            run.m.save()
-        return self.runs
-    def _all_runs(self):
-        runs = {}
-        for oids in utils.chunked_iter(self.commit_ids, QSIZE):
-            oids = list(oids)
-            for run in CommitRunDoc.m.find(dict(commit_ids={'$in': oids})):
-                runs[run._id] = run
-        seen_run_ids = set()
-        runs = runs.values()
-        while runs:
-            run = runs.pop()
-            if run._id in seen_run_ids: continue
-            seen_run_ids.add(run._id)
-            yield run
-            for run in CommitRunDoc.m.find(
-                dict(commit_ids={'$in':run.parent_commit_ids})):
-                runs.append(run)
-    def cleanup(self):
-        '''Delete non-maximal runs'''
-        for run1 in self._all_runs():
-            for run2 in CommitRunDoc.m.find(dict(
-                    commit_ids=run1.commit_ids[0])):
-                if run1._id == run2._id: continue
-                log.info('... delete %r (part of %r)', run2, run1)
-                run2.m.delete()
-    def merge_runs(self):
-        while True:
-            for run_id, run in self.runs.iteritems():
-                if len(run.parent_commit_ids) != 1:
-                    self.reasons[run_id] = '%d parents' % len(run.parent_commit_ids)
-                    continue
-                p_oid = run.parent_commit_ids[0]
-                p_run_id = self.run_index.get(p_oid)
-                if p_run_id is None:
-                    self.reasons[run_id] = 'parent commit not found'
-                    continue
-                p_run = self.runs.get(p_run_id)
-                if p_run is None:
-                    self.reasons[run_id] = 'parent run not found'
-                    continue
-                if p_run.commit_ids[0] != p_oid:
-                    self.reasons[run_id] = 'parent does not start with parent commit'
-                    continue
-                run.commit_ids += p_run.commit_ids
-                run.commit_times += p_run.commit_times
-                run.parent_commit_ids = p_run.parent_commit_ids
-                for oid in p_run.commit_ids:
-                    self.run_index[oid] = run_id
-                break
-            else:
-                break
-            del self.runs[p_run_id]
-def refresh_tree(t, seen):
-    if t.binsha in seen: return
-    seen.add(t.binsha)
-    doc = TreeDoc(dict(
-            _id=t.hexsha,
-            tree_ids=[],
-            blob_ids=[],
-            other_ids=[]))
-    for o in t:
-        obj = Object(
-            name=h.really_unicode(o.name),
-            id=o.hexsha)
-        if o.type == 'tree':
-            refresh_tree(o, seen)
-            doc.tree_ids.append(obj)
-        elif o.type == 'blob':
-            doc.blob_ids.append(obj)
-        else:
-            obj.type = o.type
-            doc.other_ids.append(obj)
-    doc.m.save(safe=False)
-def trees(id, cache):
-    yield id
-    entries = cache.get(id, None)
-    if entries is None:
-        t = TreeDoc.m.get(_id=id)
-        entries = [ o.id for o in t.tree_ids ]
-        cache[id] = entries
-    for i in entries:
-        for x in trees(i, cache):
-            yield x
-def unknown_commit_ids(all_commit_ids):
-    result = []
-    for chunk in utils.chunked_iter(all_commit_ids, QSIZE):
-        q = CommitDoc.m.find(_id={'$in':chunk})
-        known_commit_ids = set(ci._id for ci in q)
-        result += [ oid for oid in chunk if oid not in known_commit_ids ]
-    return result
-def compute_diffs(repo_id, tree_cache, rhs_ci):
-    def _walk_tree(tree, tree_index):
-        for x in tree.blob_ids: yield x.id
-        for x in tree.other_ids: yield x.id
-        for x in tree.tree_ids:
-            yield x.id
-            for xx in _walk_tree(tree_index[x.id], tree_index):
-                yield xx
-    rhs_tree_ids = TreesDoc.m.get(_id=rhs_ci._id).tree_ids
-    if rhs_ci.parent_ids:
-        lhs_ci = CommitDoc.m.get(_id=rhs_ci.parent_ids[0])
-    else:
-        lhs_ci = None
-    if lhs_ci is not None:
-        lhs_tree_ids = TreesDoc.m.get(_id=lhs_ci._id).tree_ids
-    else:
-        lhs_tree_ids = []
-    new_tree_ids = [
-        tid for tid in chain(lhs_tree_ids, rhs_tree_ids)
-        if tid not in tree_cache ]
-    tree_index = dict(
-        (t._id, t) for t in TreeDoc.m.find(dict(_id={'$in': new_tree_ids}),validate=False))
-    tree_index.update(tree_cache)
-    rhs_tree_ids_set = set(rhs_tree_ids)
-    tree_cache.clear()
-    tree_cache.update(
-        (id, t) for id,t in tree_index.iteritems() if id in rhs_tree_ids_set)
-    rhs_tree = tree_index[rhs_ci.tree_id]
-    if lhs_ci is None:
-        lhs_tree = Object(_id=None, tree_ids=[], blob_ids=[], other_ids=[])
-    else:
-        lhs_tree = tree_index[lhs_ci.tree_id]
-    differences = []
-    for name, lhs_id, rhs_id in _diff_trees(lhs_tree, rhs_tree, tree_index):
-        differences.append(
-            dict(name=name, lhs_id=lhs_id, rhs_id=rhs_id))
-        # Set last commit info
-        if rhs_id is not None:
-            _set_last_commit(repo_id, rhs_id, rhs_ci)
-        rhs_tree = tree_index.get(rhs_id, None)
-        if rhs_tree is not None:
-            for oid in _walk_tree(rhs_tree, tree_index):
-                _set_last_commit(repo_id, oid, rhs_ci)
-    di = DiffInfoDoc(dict(
-            _id=rhs_ci._id,
-            differences=differences))
-    di.m.save()
-    return tree_cache
-def _diff_trees(lhs, rhs, index, *path):
-    def _fq(name):
-        return '/'.join(reversed(
-                (name,) + path))
-    # Diff the trees
-    rhs_tree_ids = dict(
-        (o.name, o.id)
-        for o in rhs.tree_ids)
-    for o in lhs.tree_ids:
-        rhs_id = rhs_tree_ids.pop(o.name, None)
-        if rhs_id == o.id:
-            continue # no change
-        elif rhs_id is None:
-            yield (_fq(o.name), o.id, None)
-        else:
-            for difference in _diff_trees(
-                index[o.id], index[rhs_id], index,
-                o.name, *path):
-                yield difference
-    for name, id in rhs_tree_ids.items():
-        yield (_fq(name), None, id)
-    # DIff the blobs
-    rhs_blob_ids = dict(
-        (o.name, o.id)
-        for o in rhs.blob_ids)
-    for o in lhs.blob_ids:
-        rhs_id = rhs_blob_ids.pop(o.name, None)
-        if rhs_id == o.id:
-            continue # no change
-        elif rhs_id is None:
-            yield (_fq(o.name), o.id, None)
-        else:
-            yield (_fq(o.name), o.id, rhs_id)
-    for name, id in rhs_blob_ids.items():
-        yield (_fq(name), None, id)
-def _set_last_commit(repo_id, oid, commit):
-    lc = LastCommitDoc(dict(
-            _id='%s:%s' % (repo_id, oid),
-            repo_id=repo_id,
-            object_id=oid,
-            commit_info=dict(
-                id=commit._id,
-                author=commit.authored.name,
-                author_email=commit.authored.email,
-                date=commit.authored.date,
-                # author_url=commit.author_url,
-                # href=commit.url(),
-                # shortlink=commit.shorthand_id(),
-                # summary=commit.summary
-                )))
-    lc.m.save(safe=False)
-    return lc
 if __name__ == '__main__':