--- a/Allura/allura/model/artifact.py
+++ b/Allura/allura/model/artifact.py
@@ -662,33 +662,34 @@
         return feed
-class VotableArtifact(object):
+class VotableArtifact(MappedClass):
     """Voting support for the Artifact. Use as a mixin."""
+    class __mongometa__:
+        session = artifact_orm_session
+        name = 'vote'
     votes_up = FieldProperty(int, if_missing=0)
     votes_down = FieldProperty(int, if_missing=0)
-    votes_up_users = FieldProperty([str])
-    votes_down_users = FieldProperty([str])
+    votes_up_users = FieldProperty([str], if_missing=list())
+    votes_down_users = FieldProperty([str], if_missing=list())
     def vote_up(self, user):
-        if not self.votes_up_users:
-            self.votes_up_users = []
         if user.username in self.votes_up_users:
             return  # Can vote only once
-        if self.votes_down_users and user.username in self.votes_down_users:
+        if user.username in self.votes_down_users:
             # Change vote negative
-            self.votes_down -= 1
+            self.votes_down = self.votes_down - 1
         self.votes_up += 1
     def vote_down(self, user):
-        if not self.votes_down_users:
-            self.votes_down_users = []
         if user.username in self.votes_down_users:
             return  # Can vote only once
-        if self.votes_up_users and user.username in self.votes_up_users:
+        if user.username in self.votes_up_users:
             # Change vote to positive
-            self.votes_up -= 1
+            self.votes_up = self.votes_up - 1
         self.votes_down += 1