--- a
+++ b/ForgeSCM/forgescm/lib/svn.py
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+import os
+import logging
+from pymongo import bson
+from forgescm import model as M
+from .command import Command
+from . import hg
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class init(Command):
+    base='svnadmin create svn_repo'
+class sync(Command):
+    base = 'svnsync'
+class rebase(Command):
+    base='hg rebase --svn'
+    def cwd(self):
+        return Command.cwd(self) + '/hg_repo'
+class scm_log(Command):
+    base='git svn log'
+    def cwd(self):
+        return Command.cwd(self) + '/git'
+def svn_clone(remote):
+    '''Clone one svn repo using svnsync'''
+    # Create the svn repo
+    cmd = init()
+    cmd.clean_dir()
+    cmd.run_exc()
+    # Allow svnsync to change revprops
+    revprop_hook = os.path.join(
+        cmd.cwd(),
+        'svn_repo/hooks/pre-revprop-change')
+    # os.remove(revprop_hook)
+    os.symlink('/bin/true', revprop_hook)
+    # Use svnsync to clone svn=>svn
+    sync('init', 'file://%s/svn_repo' % cmd.cwd(), remote).run_exc()
+    sync('sync', 'file://%s/svn_repo' % cmd.cwd()).run_exc()
+    # Use hgsubversion to clone svn=>hg
+    hg.clone('file://%s/svn_repo' % cmd.cwd(), 'hg_repo').run_exc()