--- a/AlluraTesting/alluratest/test_syntax.py
+++ b/AlluraTesting/alluratest/test_syntax.py
@@ -9,11 +9,18 @@
     proc = Popen(cmd, shell=True, cwd=toplevel_dir, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
     # must capture & reprint stdount, so that nosetests can capture it
     (stdout, stderr) = proc.communicate()
-    print stdout,
-    print >>sys.stderr, stderr,
+    sys.stdout.write(stdout)
+    sys.stderr.write(stderr)
     return proc.returncode
 find_py = "find Allura Forge* -name '*.py'"
+# a recepe from itertools doc
+from itertools import izip_longest
+def grouper(n, iterable, fillvalue=None):
+    "grouper(3, 'ABCDEFG', 'x') --> ABC DEF Gxx"
+    args = [iter(iterable)] * n
+    return izip_longest(fillvalue=fillvalue, *args)
 def test_pyflakes():
     # skip some that aren't critical errors
@@ -22,21 +29,26 @@
         'redefinition of unused',
         'assigned to but never used',
-    cmd = find_py + " | grep -v '/migrations/' | xargs pyflakes"
-    print 'Not skipping anything via grep:'
-    print cmd
-    print
-    run(cmd)
+    proc = Popen(find_py, shell=True, cwd=toplevel_dir, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
+    (find_stdout, stderr) = proc.communicate()
+    sys.stderr.write(stderr)
+    assert proc.returncode == 0, proc.returncode
-    print
-    print 'Skipping some stuff via grep:'
-    cmd += " | grep -v '" + "' | grep -v '".join(skips) + "'"
-    print cmd
-    print
+    # run pyflakes in batches, so it doesn't take tons of memory
+    error = False
+    all_files = [f for f in find_stdout.split('\n')
+                 if '/migrations/' not in f]
+    for files in grouper(20, all_files, fillvalue=''):
+        cmd = "pyflakes " + ' '.join(files) + " | grep -v '" + "' | grep -v '".join(skips) + "'"
+        retval = run(cmd)
+        if retval != 1:
+            print
+            print 'Command was: %s' % cmd
+            print 'Returned %s' % retval
+            error = True
-    retval = run(cmd)
-    if retval != 1:
-        raise Exception('pyflakes failure, returned %s' % retval)
+    if error:
+        raise Exception('pyflakes failure, see stdout')
 def test_no_now():
     if run(find_py + " | xargs grep '\.now(' ") not in [1,123]: