--- a/src/DAF/AE/AE.cc
+++ b/src/DAF/AE/AE.cc
@@ -24,14 +24,35 @@
 void AE::initSignalsAndListeners() {
-    //cModule* catcher = this->getParentModule()->getParentModule();
+    cModule* catcher1 = this->getParentModule();
+    cModule* catcher2 = this->getParentModule()->getParentModule()->getParentModule();
     //Signals that this module is emitting
     sigAEAllocReq      = registerSignal(SIG_AE_AllocateRequest);
     sigAEDeallocReq    = registerSignal(SIG_AE_DeallocateRequest);
+    sigAESendData      = registerSignal(SIG_AE_DataSend);
+    sigAEAllocResPosi  = registerSignal(SIG_AERIBD_AllocateResponsePositive);
+    sigAEAllocResNega  = registerSignal(SIG_AERIBD_AllocateResponseNegative);
     //Signals that this module is processing
+    lisAERcvData = new LisAEReceiveData(this);
+    catcher1->subscribe(SIG_CDAP_DateReceive, lisAERcvData);
+    //  AllocationRequest from FAI
+    lisAEAllReqFromFai = new LisAEAllReqFromFai(this);
+    catcher2->subscribe(SIG_FAI_AllocateRequest, lisAEAllReqFromFai);
+    //  DeallocationRequest from FAI
+    lisAEDeallReqFromFai = new LisAEDeallReqFromFai(this);
+    catcher2->subscribe(SIG_FAI_DeallocateRequest, lisAEDeallReqFromFai);
+    lisAEDeallResFromFai = new LisAEDeallReqFromFai(this);
+    catcher2->subscribe(SIG_FAI_DeallocateResponse, lisAEDeallResFromFai);
+    lisAEAllResPosi = new LisAEAllResPosi(this);
+    catcher2->subscribe(SIG_FAI_AllocateResponsePositive, lisAEAllResPosi);
+    lisAEAllResNega = new LisAEAllResNega(this);
+    catcher2->subscribe(SIG_FAI_AllocateResponseNegative, lisAEAllResNega);
 void AE::initialize() {
@@ -48,52 +69,316 @@
 void AE::handleMessage(cMessage* msg) {
-void AE::createBinding(Flow& flow) {
+bool AE::createBindings(Flow& flow) {
     EV << this->getFullPath() << " created bindings and registered a new flow" << endl;
     //Create new gates
-    cGate* g1i;
-    cGate* g1o;
-    Irm->getOrCreateFirstUnconnectedGatePair(GATE_AEIO, false, true, *&g1i, *&g1o);
-    //cGate* g0i;
-    //cGate* g0o;
-    //this->getOrCreateFirstUnconnectedGatePair("southIo", true, true, *&g0i, *&g0o);
+    cGate* gIrmIn;
+    cGate* gIrmOut;
+    Irm->getOrCreateFirstUnconnectedGatePair(GATE_AEIO, false, true, *&gIrmIn, *&gIrmOut);
     //Get AE gates
-    cGate* g2i;
-    cGate* g2o;
-    this->getOrCreateFirstUnconnectedGatePair(GATE_DATAIO, false, true, *&g2i, *&g2o);
+    cGate* gAeIn;
+    cGate* gAeOut;
+    this->getParentModule()->getOrCreateFirstUnconnectedGatePair(GATE_DATAIO, false, true, *&gAeIn, *&gAeOut);
+    //CDAPParent Module gates
+    cGate* gCdapParentIn;
+    cGate* gCdapParentOut;
+    Cdap->getOrCreateFirstUnconnectedGatePair(GATE_SOUTHIO, false, true, *&gCdapParentIn, *&gCdapParentOut);
+    //CDAPSplitter gates
+    cModule* CdapSplit = Cdap->getSubmodule(MOD_CDAPSPLIT);
+    cGate* gSplitIn;
+    cGate* gSplitOut;
+    CdapSplit->getOrCreateFirstUnconnectedGatePair(GATE_SOUTHIO, false, true, *&gSplitIn, *&gSplitOut);
+    cGate* gSplitCaceIn;
+    cGate* gSplitCaceOut;
+    CdapSplit->getOrCreateFirstUnconnectedGatePair(GATE_CACEIO, false, true, *&gSplitCaceIn, *&gSplitCaceOut);
+    cGate* gSplitAuthIn;
+    cGate* gSplitAuthOut;
+    CdapSplit->getOrCreateFirstUnconnectedGatePair(GATE_AUTHIO, false, true, *&gSplitAuthIn, *&gSplitAuthOut);
+    cGate* gSplitCdapIn;
+    cGate* gSplitCdapOut;
+    CdapSplit->getOrCreateFirstUnconnectedGatePair(GATE_CDAPIO, false, true, *&gSplitCdapIn, *&gSplitCdapOut);
+    //CACE Module gates
+    cModule* CdapCace = Cdap->getSubmodule(MOD_CDAPCACE);
+    cGate* gCaceIn;
+    cGate* gCaceOut;
+    CdapCace->getOrCreateFirstUnconnectedGatePair(GATE_SPLITIO, false, true, *&gCaceIn, *&gCaceOut);
+    //AUTH Module gates
+    cModule* CdapAuth = Cdap->getSubmodule(MOD_CDAPAUTH);
+    cGate* gAuthIn;
+    cGate* gAuthOut;
+    CdapAuth->getOrCreateFirstUnconnectedGatePair(GATE_SPLITIO, false, true, *&gAuthIn, *&gAuthOut);
+    //CDAP Module gates
+    cModule* CdapCdap = Cdap->getSubmodule(MOD_CDAPCDAP);
+    cGate* gCdapIn;
+    cGate* gCdapOut;
+    CdapCdap->getOrCreateFirstUnconnectedGatePair(GATE_SPLITIO, false, true, *&gCdapIn, *&gCdapOut);
     //Connect gates together
-    g1o->connectTo(g2i);
-    g2o->connectTo(g1i);
+    gIrmOut->connectTo(gAeIn);
+    gAeIn->connectTo(gCdapParentIn);
+    gCdapParentIn->connectTo(gSplitIn);
+    gSplitOut->connectTo(gCdapParentOut);
+    gCdapParentOut->connectTo(gAeOut);
+    gAeOut->connectTo(gIrmIn);
+    gSplitCaceOut->connectTo(gCaceIn);
+    gCaceOut->connectTo(gSplitCaceIn);
+    gSplitAuthOut->connectTo(gAuthIn);
+    gAuthOut->connectTo(gSplitAuthIn);
+    gSplitCdapOut->connectTo(gCdapIn);
+    gCdapOut->connectTo(gSplitCdapIn);
     //Set north-half of the routing in ConnectionTable
-    ConTab->setNorthGates(&flow, g1i, g1o);
+    ConTab->setNorthGates(&flow, gIrmIn, gIrmOut);
+    //Return true if all dynamically created gates have same index
+    return gIrmIn->getIndex() == gAeIn->getIndex()
+           && gIrmIn->getIndex() == gCdapParentIn->getIndex()
+           && gIrmIn->getIndex() == gSplitIn->getIndex()
+           && gIrmIn->getIndex() == gSplitCaceIn->getIndex()
+           && gIrmIn->getIndex() == gSplitAuthIn->getIndex()
+           && gIrmIn->getIndex() == gSplitCdapIn->getIndex();
 void AE::initPointers() {
     Irm = ModuleAccess<IRM>(MOD_IRM).get();
     ConTab = ModuleAccess<ConnectionTable>(MOD_CONNTABLE).get();
-void AE::signalizeAllocateRequest(Flow* flow) {
-    emit(sigAEAllocReq, flow);
+    Cdap = this->getParentModule()->getSubmodule(MOD_CDAP);
+    if (!Irm || !ConTab || !Cdap)
+        error("Pointers to Irm or ConnectionTable or Cdap is not initialized!");
 void AE::insertFlow(Flow& flow) {
     //Add a new flow to the end of the Flow list
-    //Create a new record in ConnectionTable
-    ConTab->insertNew(&flows.back());
+    //Prepare flow
+    Irm->newFlow(&flows.back());
     //Interconnect IRM and AE
-    createBinding(flows.back());
+    bool status = createBindings(flow);
+    if (!status) {
+        throw("Gate inconsistency during creation of a new flow!");
+    }
+void AE::signalizeAllocateRequest(Flow* flow) {
+    emit(sigAEAllocReq, flow);
 void AE::signalizeDeallocateRequest(Flow* flow) {
     emit(sigAEDeallocReq, flow);
+void AE::receiveData(CDAPMessage* msg) {
+    Enter_Method("receiveData()");
+    //M_READ_Request
+    if (dynamic_cast<CDAP_M_Read*>(msg)) {
+        processMRead(msg);
+    }
+    //M_READ_Response
+    else if (dynamic_cast<CDAP_M_Read_R*>(msg)) {
+        processMReadR(msg);
+    }
+    delete msg;
+void AE::receiveAllocationRequestFromFAI(Flow* flow) {
+    Enter_Method("receiveAllocationRequestFromFai()");
+    //EV << this->getFullPath() << " received AllocationRequest from FAI" << endl;
+    //TODO: Vesely - More sophisticated decission
+    if (QoSRequirements.countFeasibilityScore(flow->getQosParameters()) > 0) {
+        //Initialize flow within AE
+        insertFlow(*flow);
+        //EV << "======================" << endl << flow->info() << endl;
+        //Interconnect IRM and IPC
+        Irm->receiveAllocationResponsePositiveFromIpc(flow);
+        this->signalizeAllocateResponsePositive(flow);
+    }
+    else {
+        this->signalizeAllocateResponseNegative(flow);
+    }
+void AE::signalizeSendData(cMessage* msg) {
+    EV << "Emits SendData signal for message " << msg->getName() << endl;
+    emit(sigAESendData, msg);
+void AE::signalizeAllocateResponsePositive(Flow* flow) {
+    emit(sigAEAllocResPosi, flow);
+void AE::receiveAllocationResponseNegative(Flow* flow) {
+    Enter_Method("receiveAllocationResponseNegative()");
+    //Change allocation status
+    ConTab->setStatus(flow, ConnectionTableEntry::CON_ERROR);
+void AE::receiveAllocationResponsePositive(Flow* flow) {
+    Enter_Method("receiveAllocationResponsePositive()");
+    //Interconnect IRM and IPC
+    Irm->receiveAllocationResponsePositiveFromIpc(flow);
+    //Change allocation status
+    ConTab->setStatus(flow, ConnectionTableEntry::CON_CONNECTPENDING);
+    //TODO: Vesely - Work with return value?
+void AE::sendAllocationRequest(Flow* flow) {
+    //TODO: Vesely - Substitute with signal
+    Irm->receiveAllocationRequestFromAe(flow);
+void AE::sendDeallocationRequest(Flow* flow) {
+    //TODO: Vesely - Substitute with signal
+    Irm->receiveDeallocationRequestFromAe(flow);
+void AE::signalizeAllocateResponseNegative(Flow* flow) {
+    emit(sigAEAllocResNega, flow);
+void AE::sendData(Flow* flow, CDAPMessage* msg) {
+    //Retrieve handle from ConTab record
+    ConnectionTableEntry* cte = ConTab->findEntryByFlow(flow);
+    if (cte && cte->getNorthGateIn()) {
+        msg->setHandle(cte->getNorthGateIn()->getIndex());
+        //Pass Data to CDAP
+        signalizeSendData(msg);
+    }
+    else {
+        EV << "Sending data before flow is allocated!" << endl;
+        delete msg;
+    }
+void AE::processMRead(CDAPMessage* msg) {
+void AE::receiveDeallocationRequestFromFAI(Flow* flow) {
+    Enter_Method("receiveDeallocationRequestFromFai()");
+    bool status;
+    status = deleteBindings(*flow);
+    if (!status) {
+        EV << "deleteBindings() failed during DeallocateRequest processing!" << endl;
+        return;
+    }
+    status = Irm->deleteBindings(flow);
+    if (!status) {
+        EV << "IRM.deleteBindings() failed during DeallocateRequest processing!" << endl;
+        return;
+    }
+    //EV << "Statusak> " << status;
+bool AE::deleteBindings(Flow& flow) {
+    EV << this->getFullPath() << " deleted bindings" << endl;
+    int handle = -1;
+    ConnectionTableEntry* cte = ConTab->findEntryByFlow(&flow);
+    if (cte && cte->getNorthGateIn())
+        handle = cte->getNorthGateIn()->getIndex();
+    //Disconnect gates
+    cGate* gIrmIn = Irm->gateHalf(GATE_AEIO, cGate::INPUT, handle);
+    cGate* gIrmOut = Irm->gateHalf(GATE_AEIO, cGate::OUTPUT, handle);
+    //Get AE gates
+    cGate* gAeIn = this->getParentModule()->gateHalf(GATE_DATAIO, cGate::INPUT, handle);
+    cGate* gAeOut = this->getParentModule()->gateHalf(GATE_DATAIO, cGate::OUTPUT, handle);;
+    //CDAPParent Module gates
+    cGate* gCdapParentIn = Cdap->gateHalf(GATE_SOUTHIO, cGate::INPUT, handle);
+    cGate* gCdapParentOut = Cdap->gateHalf(GATE_SOUTHIO, cGate::OUTPUT, handle);
+    //CDAPSplitter gates
+    cModule* CdapSplit = Cdap->getSubmodule(MOD_CDAPSPLIT);
+    cGate* gSplitIn = CdapSplit->gateHalf(GATE_SOUTHIO, cGate::INPUT, handle);
+    cGate* gSplitOut = CdapSplit->gateHalf(GATE_SOUTHIO, cGate::OUTPUT, handle);
+    cGate* gSplitCaceIn = CdapSplit->gateHalf(GATE_CACEIO, cGate::INPUT, handle);
+    cGate* gSplitCaceOut = CdapSplit->gateHalf(GATE_CACEIO, cGate::OUTPUT, handle);
+    cGate* gSplitAuthIn = CdapSplit->gateHalf(GATE_AUTHIO, cGate::INPUT, handle);
+    cGate* gSplitAuthOut = CdapSplit->gateHalf(GATE_AUTHIO, cGate::OUTPUT, handle);
+    cGate* gSplitCdapIn = CdapSplit->gateHalf(GATE_CDAPIO, cGate::INPUT, handle);
+    cGate* gSplitCdapOut = CdapSplit->gateHalf(GATE_CDAPIO, cGate::OUTPUT, handle);
+    //CACE Module gates
+    cModule* CdapCace = Cdap->getSubmodule(MOD_CDAPCACE);
+    cGate* gCaceIn = CdapCace->gateHalf(GATE_SPLITIO, cGate::INPUT, handle);
+    cGate* gCaceOut = CdapCace->gateHalf(GATE_SPLITIO, cGate::OUTPUT, handle);
+    //AUTH Module gates
+    cModule* CdapAuth = Cdap->getSubmodule(MOD_CDAPAUTH);
+    cGate* gAuthIn = CdapAuth->gateHalf(GATE_SPLITIO, cGate::INPUT, handle);
+    cGate* gAuthOut = CdapAuth->gateHalf(GATE_SPLITIO, cGate::OUTPUT, handle);
+    //CDAP Module gates
+    cModule* CdapCdap = Cdap->getSubmodule(MOD_CDAPCDAP);
+    cGate* gCdapIn = CdapCdap->gateHalf(GATE_SPLITIO, cGate::INPUT, handle);
+    cGate* gCdapOut = CdapCdap->gateHalf(GATE_SPLITIO, cGate::OUTPUT, handle);
+    //Disconnect gates
+    gIrmOut->disconnect();
+    gAeIn->disconnect();
+    gCdapParentIn->disconnect();
+    gSplitIn->disconnect();
+    gSplitOut->disconnect();
+    gCdapParentOut->disconnect();
+    gAeOut->disconnect();
+    gIrmIn->disconnect();
+    gSplitCaceOut->disconnect();
+    gCaceIn->disconnect();
+    gCaceOut->disconnect();
+    gSplitCaceIn->disconnect();
+    gSplitAuthOut->disconnect();
+    gAuthIn->disconnect();
+    gAuthOut->disconnect();
+    gSplitAuthIn->disconnect();
+    gSplitCdapOut->disconnect();
+    gCdapIn->disconnect();
+    gCdapOut->disconnect();
+    gSplitCdapIn->disconnect();
+    //Return true if all dynamically created gates are disconnected
+    return !gIrmIn->isConnected() && !gIrmOut->isConnected()
+            && !gAeIn->isConnected() && !gAeOut->isConnected()
+            && !gCdapParentIn->isConnected() && !gCdapParentOut->isConnected()
+            && !gSplitIn->isConnected() && !gSplitOut->isConnected()
+            && !gSplitCaceIn->isConnected() && !gSplitCaceOut->isConnected()
+            && !gSplitAuthIn->isConnected() && !gSplitAuthOut->isConnected()
+            && !gSplitCdapIn->isConnected() && !gSplitCdapOut->isConnected();
+void AE::processMReadR(CDAPMessage* msg) {