--- a/src/internfile/txtdcode.cpp
+++ b/src/internfile/txtdcode.cpp
@@ -15,46 +15,11 @@
 #include "autoconfig.h"
-#include <tr1/unordered_map>
-using std::tr1::unordered_map;
 #include "cstr.h"
 #include "transcode.h"
 #include "mimehandler.h"
 #include "debuglog.h"
 #include "smallut.h"
-static const char *vcountry_to_code[] = {
-    "fr", "windows-1252",
-    "al", "windows-1252", 
-    "dk", "windows-1252",
-    "en", "windows-1252",
-    "de", "windows-1252",
-    "is", "windows-1252",
-    "my", "windows-1252",
-    "ie", "windows-1252",
-    "gb", "windows-1252",
-    "it", "windows-1252",
-    "lu", "windows-1252",
-    "no", "windows-1252",
-    "pt", "windows-1252",
-    "es", "windows-1252",
-    "se", "windows-1252",
-    "ba", "iso-8859-2",
-    "hr", "iso-8859-2",
-    "cz", "iso-8859-2",
-    "hu", "iso-8859-2",
-    "pl", "iso-8859-2",
-    "rs", "iso-8859-2",
-    "sk", "iso-8859-2",
-    "si", "iso-8859-2",
-    "gr", "iso-8859-7",
-    "il", "iso-8859-8",
-    "tr", "iso-8859-9",
-    "th", "iso-8859-11",
-    "lv", "iso-8859-13",
-    "lt", "iso-8859-13",
 // Called after decoding from utf-8 failed. Handle the common case
@@ -64,27 +29,8 @@
 // heuristic, but may be better than discarding the data.
 static bool alternate_decode(const string& in, string& out)
-    static unordered_map<string, string> country_to_code;
-    if (country_to_code.empty()) {
-	for (unsigned int i = 0; 
-	     i < sizeof(vcountry_to_code) / sizeof(char *); i += 2) {
-	    country_to_code[vcountry_to_code[i]] = vcountry_to_code[i+1];
-	}
-    }
-    string locale = setlocale(LC_CTYPE, 0);
-    LOGDEB(("RecollFilter::alternate_dcde: locale: [%s]\n", locale.c_str()));
-    string::size_type under = locale.find_first_of("_");
-    if (under == string::npos)
-	return false;
-    string country = locale.substr(0, under);
-    unordered_map<string,string>::const_iterator it = 
-	country_to_code.find(country);
-    if (it == country_to_code.end())
-	return false;
-    string code = it->second;
+    string lang = localelang();
+    string code = langtocode(lang);
     LOGDEB(("RecollFilter::txtdcode: trying alternate decode from %s\n",
     return transcode(in, out, code, cstr_utf8);