--- a/website/devel.html
+++ b/website/devel.html
@@ -29,30 +29,42 @@
     <div class="content">
-      <h1>Development</h1>
       <p>If you wish to become involved in the development of <span
 	  class="application">Recoll</span>, you are very much welcome,
 	please send me an <a
+      <h1>Translation</h1>
+      <p>More translations is good ! If you are a non-english speaker
+	(and understand english, which can probably be assumed, you
+	being reading this), you can take a little time to translate
+	the GUI messages file.</p>
+      <p>The message files for the upcoming 1.10 release follow. There
+	is an empty one (the xx thing), the others are partially
+	translated, just needing an update for the new messages.<p>
+      <p>Updating the files can easily be done with
+	the <span class="application">Qt Linguist</span>. Contact me
+	for more directions if needed.</p>
+      <ul>
+	<li>Blank: <a href="msg-1.10/recoll_xx.ts">recoll_xx.ts</a></li>
+	<li>German: <a href="msg-1.10/recoll_de.ts">recoll_de.ts</a></li>
+	<li>Italian: <a href="msg-1.10/recoll_it.ts">recoll_it.ts</a></li>
+	<li>Russian: <a href="msg-1.10/recoll_ru.ts">recoll_ru.ts</a></li>
+	<li>Turkish: <a href="msg-1.10/recoll_tr.ts">recoll_tr.ts</a></li>
+	<li>Ukrainian: <a href="msg-1.10/recoll_uk.ts">recoll_uk.ts</a></li>
+      </ul>
+      <h1>Development</h1>
       <p>Apart from general development for additional functionality
 	or bug fixes, the following tasks are waiting for you:</p>
 	<li>A better GUI design (both the ergonomy and the appearance).</li>
-	<li>More translations for the GUI messages (there are
-	  relatively few messages, and it's easy to do with the Qt
-	  tools). English, French, Russian and Ukrainian versions currently
-	  exist. Contact me for directions if needed (or just use
-	  <span class="application">Qt Linguist</span> if you know it
-	  already). </li>
         <li>More support for the more advanced <span class=
 	    "application">Xapian</span> concepts like relevance
-        <li>An interactive indexing configuration tool.</li>
         <li>More filters for less common or less obviously
 	  useful file types.</li>