--- a
+++ b/src/desktop/hotrecoll.py
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+# This script should be linked to a keyboard shortcut. Under gnome,
+# you can do this from the main preferences menu, or directly execute
+# "gnome-keybinding-properties"
+# Make the script executable. Install it somewhere in the executable
+# path ("echo $PATH" to check what's in there), and then just enter
+# its name as the action to perform, or copy it anywhere and copy the
+# full path as the action.
+import gtk
+#import gtk.gdk
+import wnck
+import os
+import sys
+import time
+def main():
+    # We try to establish a timestamp for the calls to activate(), but
+    # usually fail (the event_peek() calls return None). 
+    #
+    # Try to find a nice default value. The x server timestamp is
+    # millisecond from last reset, it wraps around in 49 days, half
+    # the space is set aside for the past So a value just below 2**31
+    # should be considered recent in most situations ?
+    timestamp = 2**31 - 1
+    screen = wnck.screen_get_default()
+    while gtk.events_pending():
+        event = gtk.gdk.event_peek()
+        if event != None and event.get_time() != 0:
+            timestamp = event.get_time()
+        gtk.main_iteration()
+    recollMain = ""
+    recollwins = [];
+    for window in screen.get_windows():
+        if window.get_class_group().get_name() == "Recoll":
+            # print "win name: [%s], class: [%s]" % \
+            #      (window.get_name(), window.get_class_group().get_name())
+            if window.get_name() == "Recoll":
+                recollMain = window
+            recollwins.append(window)
+    if not recollMain:
+        os.system("recoll&")
+        sys.exit(0)
+    # Check the main window state, and either activate or minimize all
+    workspace = screen.get_active_workspace()
+    if not recollMain.is_visible_on_workspace(workspace):
+        for win in recollwins:
+            win.move_to_workspace(workspace)
+            win.activate(timestamp)
+    else:
+        for win in recollwins:
+            win.minimize()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  main()