Recoll downloads

Source Rpm/deb packages Known bugs Other binary packages Bsd port Filters Translations

General information

Instructions: Installation / building manual.

Most binary packages on this page need a Qt 3.3 runtime environment (QT 4.x is specified for a few). They are statically linked with Xapian, which you don't need to install separately.

Optional packages used by document filters: take a look at the list and decide what you need to install.

The Recoll term explorer tool in phonetic mode (marginally useful and optional) uses the aspell package, version 0.60 (utf-8 support) or newer.

If you find problems with this page, the package or its installation, please report them.

What do the release numbers mean?

The Recoll releases are numbered X.Y.Z. The X would only change for really major modifications like a big change in the index format, and possibly won't ever reach 2.

Y is for functional modifications. These may bring bugs, so if you don't need the new features, you may want to wait a little, and especially skip the first release (X.Y.0), at least for a few weeks.

Z changes for bug fixes only, and moving from X.Y.Z to X.Y.Z+u should in general involve little risk of regression. But, any change can bring problems, if you are not affected by the corrected bugs (check the changes file), there is probably no necessity to upgrade anyway.

Updated filters

New and updated filters are sometimes available before the next Recoll release. The most notable current set is for the Open XML office document formats, not included for Recoll releases older than 1.10.5.


Current version:1.11.4: recoll-1.11.4.tar.gz. Changes. Bugs.
Version 1.11 has relatively extensive changes (pic), and needs an index reset after installing over an 1.10 or older version. For an existing installation you can use option -z to the command line indexer: recollindex -z, or just delete the old index directory (ie: rm -rf ~/.recoll/xapiandb/). The latter option may be safer with old indexes. If the first 1.11 indexing ends with an error like backend doesn't implement metadata, you certainly need to do it.

The download page for Recoll 1.10 is still still available.

In order to build Recoll from source, you will need a xapian-core installation. You will find source and binary packages on the Xapian download page. Recoll 1.11 needs at least xapian 1.0.5, and I can see no reason not to use the latest 1.0 Xapian (1.0.9 currently).

Qt: You can build with Qt 3.3 or Qt 4. Recoll will automatically be configured to build with Qt 4 if the version of qmake found in $QTDIR/bin:$PATH is for Qt 4.
There seems to be a few issues in Qt 4.4.0 (2008-08-23), resulting in problems when displaying the Recoll result list. I suggest avoiding this release. Qt 4.3.x and 4.4.1 work fine.

Older recoll releases: 1.10.6. 1.9.0. 1.8.2. 1.7.6. 1.6.3. 1.5.11. 1.4.3. 1.3.3. 1.2.3. 1.1.0. 1.0.16.

A separate source file contains a KDE kicker applet to start a Recoll search from the KDE toolbar: recoll_applet-1.10.0.tgz. This is a very slightly modified version of the find_applet.


The executables inside the binary rpms have a static link to xapian 1.0.[4-9], there is no real dependency except Qt 3.3 (or Qt 4.1 when mentioned). The Fedora and Mandriva packages unfortunately think that they depend on exiftool (which is needed by the little used jpeg info filter), due to excessive rpmbuild cleverness.
Of course you need xapian-core installed to use the source rpms.

Fedora Core FC6 RPM: recoll-1.11.0-1.i386.rpm. Source: recoll-1.11.0-1.src.rpm This package also installs and runs on Fedora 9.

Mandriva 2006 (also works on 2005 and 2007). RPM: recoll-1.11.0-0.1.20060mdk.i586.rpm. Source: recoll-1.11.0-0.1.20060mdk.src.rpm

Suse 10.3 / 11.0 RPM: recoll-1.11.0-0.i586.rpm. Source: recoll-1.11.0-0.src.rpm
If you build from source on OpenSuse 11, note that the default qt4 version is 4.4.0 which will badly display the result list icons. Use qt3 or install a newer version of qt4.

Ubuntu 6.06 dapper / edgy / gutsy / hardy recoll_1.11.0-0ubuntu1_i386.deb debian/dapper. This package was built on "dapper" and appears to work correctly on later Ubuntu releases. This package is not configured for real-time indexing.

Here is a package for Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy which supports real-time indexing. It is also built for qt4, so this must be installed on the target system. Avoid qt 4.4.0 (from hardy backports). The standard 4.3.x is fine (or 4.4.1 and later) recoll_1.11.1-0ubuntu1_i386.deb

Debian unstable Recoll is in the package repository, you can install it with the usual apt-get install recoll. Package page

Binary bundles

These are just prebuilt trees (without the source files). The executables were built with xapian 1.0.8 (patched for the NEAR bug) and libiconv 1.9.2 (where relevant) as static libraries. They depend on Qt 3.3. For Solaris, you should be able to find a Qt package here.

The installation instructions are there.

FreeBSD 6.4 i386: recoll-1.11.0-FreeBSD-6.4-PRERELEASE.tgz

Solaris 8 sparc. Note to Solaris users: you need to perform the initial indexing pass with "recollindex", not the recoll GUI indexing thread. See errata. recoll-1.11.0-SunOS-5.8.tgz.

Recoll also builds and runs on Solaris 10, but, given the situation of open source packages for Solaris (very old Qt on the Companion CD, inconsistent versions of the compiler and non-threaded version of Qt on sunfreeware), I've come to the temporary conclusion that you are better off building than trying to install packages. The approach I tried a couple of months ago and which worked was to:

Obviously, there are other ways to do it (use CC, install some place else ... ), but I tried this one.

FreeBSD ports

There are ports for both xapian-core and recoll in the standard tree, you may just need to update your ports (cvsup, portsnap), or you can get the ports from the FreeBSD site. xapian port recoll port.


Most of the translations for 1.11 are incomplete. The source translation files are included in the source release. If your language has some english messages left and you want to take a shot at fixing the problem, you can send the results to me and earn my gratefulness (and your less multilingual compatriot's)...

You can use the .ts file to alter the translations if you wish (use Qt's linguist tool to edit the source file, then lrelease to produce the .qm file.). The .qm file should be copied to /usr/[local/]share/recoll/translations

recoll_xx.ts is a blank Recoll 1.11 message file, handy to work on a new translation.

Updated 1.11 translations that became available after the release:

None for now :(