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+    "Upgrading a recoll installation from xapian 0.9 to 1.0">
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+      <h1>Upgrading to Xapian 1.0</h1>
+      <p>Xapian has supported two main index formats for quite some
+	time: the older <em>Quartz</em> format, and the
+	newer <em>Flint</em></p>
+      <p>Up to Xapian release 1.0, <em>Quartz</em> was the
+	default. This is also quite probably what your Recoll index
+	used, except if you had explicitely required a <em>Flint</em>
+	index by setting the <tt>XAPIAN_PREFER_FLINT</tt> environment
+	variable.</p> 
+      <p>When upgrading an existing Recoll installation to Recoll 1.9,
+	which is normally built with Xapian 1.0 (0.9 is still
+	supported), or after rebuilding Recoll 1.8.2 with Xapian 1.0,
+	you probably want to convert your index format
+	to <em>Flint</em>, which is faster and more efficient (if you
+	were using the default <em>Quartz</em>, you can also elect to
+	just do nothing, the older <em>Quartz</em> format is still
+	supported).</p>
+      <p>The index format upgrade will not happen automatically, and
+	you will need to destroy the old index explicitely, then
+	restart the indexer (this will cause a full indexing pass, of
+	course, which may take some time, so you may prefer to let it
+	work overnight).</p>
+      <p>To destroy the old index, you just need to erase the xapiandb
+	directory: typically: rm -rf ~/.recoll/xapiandb, except if you
+	specified a special storage place with the <tt>dbdir</tt>
+	configuration variable.</p>
+      <p>If you were using <em>Flint</em> with Xapian 0.9,
+	you <em>must</em> destroy the old index,
+	because <em>Flint</em> had an incompatible format change
+	between 0.9 and 1.0</p>
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