--- a/website/release-1.17.html
+++ b/website/release-1.17.html
@@ -78,6 +78,12 @@
+        <li>GUI/config: new set of dialogs to set up the indexing
+          schedule, either as automatic real time indexing started
+          with the user session or as discrete cron entries. This
+          will take care of the details of autostart files or crontab
+          editing.</li> 
         <li>Search: Recoll now supports filtering on file sizes. This
           is accessible from the advanced search panel, or from the
           query langage (ie: "size&gt;10k&nbsp;size&lt;1m"). For
@@ -110,12 +116,6 @@
 	<li>GUI/advanced search: the dialog gets new sections for
 	  filtering on file dates and sizes, and has been split into two
 	  tabs: for search terms, and for filtering.</li>
-        <li>GUI/config: new set of dialogs to set up the indexing
-          schedule, either as automatic real time indexing started
-          with the user session or as discrete cron entries. This
-          will take care of the details of autostart files or crontab
-          editing.</li> 
         <li>GUI: use Shift+PageUp instead of Shift+Home to rewind the
           result list to the first page. Shift+Home is useful in the