--- a/website/filters/filters.html
+++ b/website/filters/filters.html
@@ -65,14 +65,10 @@
 	<a href="mimeview">mimeview</a> </p>
-        <p>There is a new rclepub filter for EPUB ebooks. It new for
+        <p>There is a new rclepub filter for EPUB ebooks. It is new for
           all recoll versions before 1.18.0.</p>
         <p>rclchm needs to be updated for all Recoll versions up
           to and including 1.17.1.</p>
-	<p>All filters are up to date in Recoll 1.16.2, except
-	  rclchm, and the new ones for gnumeric and Okular annotations.</p>
-        <p>Recoll 1.15 may benefit from some of the newer
-          filters linked below.</p>
         <p>If you are running an older Recoll version, you really
           should upgrade.</p>