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+== Recoll Faqs and Howtos file index
+link:ElinksWeb.html[Extending the Recoll Firefox visited web page indexing mechanism to other browsers]
+link:FilterArch.html[Recoll input handlers]
+link:FilterRetrofit.html[Installing a filter for a new document type]
+link:FilteringOutZipArchiveMembers.html[Filtering out Zip archive members]
+link:GUIKeyboard.html[Recoll GUI keyboard navigation]
+link:HandleCustomField.html[Generating a custom field and using it to sort results]
+link:Home.html[Welcome to the Recoll Faqs and Recipees]
+link:HotRecoll.html[Recoll hotkey: starting / hiding recoll with a keyboard shortcut]
+link:IndexMailHeader.html[Indexing arbitrary mail headers]
+link:IndexMozillaCalendari.html[Indexing Mozilla calendar data]
+link:IndexOnAc.html[Laptops: starting or stopping indexing according to AC power status]
+link:IndexOutlook.html[Indexing Outlook archives]
+link:IndexWebHistory.html[Indexing Web history with the Firefox extension ]
+link:MultipleIndexes.html[Creating and using multiple indexes]
+link:MuttAndRecoll.html[Interfacing Recoll and Mutt]
+link:NonAsciiFileNames.html[Unix and non-ASCII file names, a summary of issues]
+link:OpenHelperScript.html[Starting native applications]
+link:PreventIndexingDir.html[Preventing indexing in a directory]
+link:ProblemSolvingData.html[Gathering useful data for asking help about or reporting a Recoll issue]
+link:QpdfviewHelperScript.html[Starting native applications ]
+link:QueryFromC.html[Querying Recoll from a C program]
+link:ReplaceCategories.html[Replacing the Category filter controls]
+link:ResultsThumbnails.html[Result list thumbnails and how to create them]
+link:SavingConfig.html[User configuration backup]
+link:UnityLens.html[Building and Installing the Ubuntu Unity Recoll Lens]
+link:UsingOpenWith.html[Using the _Open With_ context menu in recoll 1.20 and newer]
+link:WhyIsMyFileNotIndexed.html[Using the log file to investigate indexing issues]
+link:WikiIndex.html[Recoll Wiki file index]
+link:XDGBase.html[XDG: Tidying Recoll data storage]
+link:ZDevCaseAndDiacritics1.html[Character case and diacritic marks (1), issues with stemming]
+link:ZDevCaseAndDiacritics2.html[Character case and diacritic marks (2), user interface]
+link:ZDevCaseAndDiacritics3.html[Character case and diacritic marks (3), implementation]
+link:index.html[Faqs and Howtos]