--- a/src/doc/user/usermanual.sgml
+++ b/src/doc/user/usermanual.sgml
@@ -1492,6 +1492,15 @@
         emails from a specific originator:
         <literal>search tips from:helpfulgui</literal>
+      </formalpara>
+      <formalpara><title>Ajusting the result table columns</title>
+        <para>When displaying results in table mode, you can use a
+        right click on the table headers to activate a pop-up menu
+        which will let you adjust what columns are displayed. You can
+        drag the column headers to adjust their order. You can click
+        them to sort by the field displayed in the column.  You can
+        also save the result list in CSV format.</para> 
       <formalpara><title>Query explanation</title>