= Building the Recoll user manual The Recoll user manual usually used DocBook SGML and used the FreeBSD doc toolchain to produce the output formats. This had the advantage of an easy way to produce all formats including a PDF manual, but presented two problems: - Dependancy on the FreeBSD platform. - No support for UTF-8 (last I looked), only latin1. The manual is now compatible with XML. There is a small script that converts the SGML (but XML-compatible) manual into XML (changes the header, mostly). The SGML version is still the primary one. Beyond fixing a few missing closing tags, the main change that had to be made was to make the anchors explicitly upper-case because the SGML toolchain converts them to upper-case and the XML one does not, so the only way to have compatibility is to make them upper-case in the first place. We still have a problem for producing the PDF manual, because few straightforward approaches seem to exist: - http://docbookpublishing.com qui a meme une version programmatique (cf: http://docbookpublishing.com/api/), mais necessite un peu de configuration. - FOP but this is Java and complicated. See also http://www.valdyas.org/linguistics/printing_unicode.html Does not look simple, but dates from 2002 and seems to imply that FOP is making progress. The current conclusion would seem to be that the SGML version should stay operational to give an easy way to make the PDF one on FreeBSD.