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+      <h2>Compiling id3lib with recent gcc versions (2010-06-29)</h1>
+       <p>Recoll uses a program installed by the id3lib package for
+       indexing mp3 files. Id3lib has not been updated for some time and
+       will not compile with gcc versions after 4.4 because of gcc
+       incompatibilities.</p>
+       <p><a href="files/id3lib-3.8.3-gcc44.patch">Here is a minuscule
+       patch</a> to help compiling id3lib. To use it:<p>
+       <ul>
+	  <li>Download the patch (right-click the link and use 'Save As').</li>
+	  <li>Extract the id3 lib source 
+               (<tt>tar xvzf id3lib-3.8.3.tar.gz</tt>).</li>
+          <li>Change your current directory to the top of the id3lib source
+          tree and apply the patch:<br>
+            <tt>cd id3lib-3.8.3<br>
+            patch -p1 < /path/to/the/saved/patch</tt></li>
+          <li>Run autoconf (you may have to install it, but your package
+          manager can certainly do it for you).</li>
+          <li>Run <tt>make</tt> and <tt>make install</tt>.</li>
+      </ul>
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