--- a/src/sampleconf/mimeconf
+++ b/src/sampleconf/mimeconf
@@ -28,14 +28,14 @@
 # A different format (ie text/plain), and a character set can be defined for
 # each filter, see the exemples below (ie: msword)
-# Note: rcldoc did some work to splice hyphenated words at eol. Seems
-# actually not needed because antiword apparently does it too
+# MSWORD: install wvware and restore the rcldoc version to fix the "text
+# stream of this file is too small to handle" error if it's a problem for you
 # application/msword = exec rcldoc
 application/msword = exec antiword -t -i 1 -m UTF-8;mimetype=text/plain;charset=utf-8
-# Alternatively you can use wvWare for msword. It's much slower than
-# antiword, but will handle documents which provoke the 'I'm afraid the
-# text stream of this file is too small to handle' antiword error
+# You can also use wvware directly but it's much slower.
 # application/msword = exec wvWare --charset=utf-8 --nographics
 application/ogg = execm rclaudio
 application/pdf = exec rclpdf
 application/postscript = exec pstotext;charset=iso-8859-1;mimetype=text/plain