Known bugs in current and older versions

Bugs that are listed in an older version section are supposedly fixed in later versions. Bugs listed in the topmost section may also exist in older versions.

recoll 1.18.1

recoll 1.18.0

recoll 1.17.3

recoll 1.17.2

recoll 1.17.1

recoll 1.17.0

  • The chm filter handles badly some CHM files with encoded internal URLs (the whole file or some parts are not indexed). There is an updated filter on the filters section of the download page.
  • The application style sheet is not reapplied when changed from the preferences menu, you have to restart the GUI.
  • recoll 1.16.2

  • Real time indexer: directory moves are not handled at all. Workaround: restart indexer from time to time.
  • Real time indexer: file move events are not detected when running with inotify (at least for recent versions). Workaround: restart indexer from time to time.
  • Cancelling a preview in the GUI will also cancel the indexing thread if it is running.
  • Under Solaris, it is necessary to perform the initial indexing with the recollindex program. For some unknown reason, the recoll index thread does not work for creating the database. The only idea I have is a problem with exception handling (recoll catches an exception while trying the yet inexistant db).
  • recoll 1.16.1

    recoll 1.16.0

    recoll 1.15.7

    recoll 1.15.5

  • The Python and PHP modules in 1.15.5 have compile errors. This is solved by this simple change.
  • The current stemming language is not indicated by menu checkboxes.
  • recoll 1.15.2

    recoll 1.14.4

    recoll 1.14.3

  • Email message preview is broken.
  • The new mutagen-based audio tags filter (rclaudio) only works with very recent mutagen versions. See here for a corrected version.
  • recoll 1.14.1

  • Compressed file view fix broke help viewer.
  • recoll 1.14.0

  • Does not compile with Xapian 1.2. Apply patch.
  • When a mime type has an external viewer defined, but the actual file is compressed (ie: xxx.txt.gz), recoll will try to start the external viewer on the compressed file, which will not work in most cases.
  • recoll 1.13.04

    Note: some of the bugs listed here are not actually "fixed", mostly they were problems caused by old versions of external software (ie: kde, qt), and I stopped carrying them. Just don't use these versions, or live with the problem.

  • In case a new style filter (persistent) crashed while indexing, it was not restarted, and all further files of the same mime type were not updated (ie: python zip crash on encrypted files).
  • Mac OS X + Qt 4.6.1 : the index configuration dialog crashes. Fixed with Qt 4.7.
  • If you are seeing a delay of a few seconds before the result list displays for the first query of a recoll instance, try changing the result list font in the query preferences. This is not a recoll problem, I don't know the exact cause (I've seen it happen with "Sans Serif" and go away with Helvetica or Arial).
  • It seems that the recoll program sometimes segfaults when exiting after the first execution ?
  • When Recoll is built with qt 4.4.0, the icons in the result list are all displayed at the top of the page and garbled. This appears to be a qt bug, fixed in 4.4.1. Use either qt 4.3.x or 4.4.1 (stopped carrying this bug. Just don't use 4.4.0)
  • Under some versions of KDE (ie: Fedora FC5 KDE 3.5.4-0.5.fc5), there is a problem with the window stacking order. Opening the "browse" file selection dialog from the advanced search dialog will stack the latter under the main window, possibly making it invisible. This is quite probably a Kwin bug, possibly related to or a correction thereof.
  • recoll 1.13.02

  • Stemming does not work in the 1.13 series. The stemming database was not created at all. Things would sort of work as long as an older stemming database was around (which is why this was not discovered earlier.
  • Fix the lyx filter to properly handle embedded white space in file paths.
  • recoll 1.13.01 + xapian 1.0.16

  • The GUI display is garbled under Qt 4.6.1 and newer. This is a Qt bug, and a workaround was put in place in Recoll 1.13.02 for Qt 4.6.1. If you are using a newer version and the problem is still there, you can fix the 4.6.1 fix to hopefully work with your Qt version: edit qtgui/rclmain_w.h, around line 37 (there is only one instance), change:
      #if QT_VERSION == 0x040601
      #if QT_VERSION >= 0x040601
  • recoll 1.13.01 + xapian 1.0.16

  • The field value was ignored in field searches for phrases or capitalized words (ie: author:John or title:"the title").
  • The GUI would sometimes crash during the first execution, after the dialog about starting configuration.
  • kio-recoll was not fully updated for 1.13 internals.
  • Would not compile on Solaris 8.
  • 1.12.4

  • There are two bugs specific to 64 bits system, affecting HTML display inside the preview window (wrong character set used in some cases, and problems with keyword highlighting).
  • 1.12.3

  • Specific File Name searches and Query Language searches for a 'filename:' field sometimes give different results due to the way we handle wild card expansion.
  • Killing recollindex sometimes left filter processes sleeping around.
  • The last entry in a configuration file was ignored if it was not followed by a newline (either the file had no ending newline or the line ended with backslash followed by the last file line.
  • Non-ascii characters in path names did not work well from the configuration GUI (editing the configuration files did work).
  • Accented characters in mail headers encoded according to a lax interpretation of rfc2047 were sometimes not decoded.
  • Recoll dumps core when exiting if the configuration was not found.
  • The Qt4 version sometimes did not display the status bar in the main window.
  • Message boundaries were not detected inside mbox format files with quoted strings inside the 'From ' lines. (ie [From "Smith, John" ...]).
  • The Term Explorer GUI dialog was not created at all if aspell was not compiled int (leaving no access to wildcard, regexp and stemming expansions).
  • Give priority to the user's PATH when looking for qmake (fixes detecting the wrong qmake when more than one exists).
  • 1.12.2

  • The sort tool does not work with qt3 (at least some versions), the Apply button does nothing.
  • 1.12.1

  • Uncatched Xapian exceptions can crash the GUI when a query is run while the index is being updated.
  • The result list right-click pop up menu does not appear when the cursor is inside a table.
  • Multithreaded access to Xlib can crash the real-time indexer.
  • A looping filter (ie: rclps trying to index can keep on running forever and stop the indexing while eating cpu.
  • Filter subprocesses can sometimes be left around after indexing is interrupted. Two signals are sometimes necessary to get recollindex to exit.
  • Signals SIGUSR1 and SIGUSR2 are not blocked.
  • Sort does not work on queries started from the command line.
  • 1.12.0















