--- a/src/query/plaintorich.cpp
+++ b/src/query/plaintorich.cpp
@@ -315,7 +315,7 @@
     const vector<vector<string> >& groups(hdata.groups);
     const vector<int>& slacks(hdata.gslks);
-    if (DebugLog::getdbl()->getlevel() >= DEBDEB0) {
+    if (0 && DebugLog::getdbl()->getlevel() >= DEBDEB0) {
 	LOGDEB0(("plaintorich: terms: \n"));
 	string sterms = vecStringToString(terms);
 	LOGDEB0(("  %s\n", sterms.c_str()));
@@ -338,7 +338,7 @@
     // Note: the splitter returns the term locations in byte, not
     // character, offsets.
-    LOGDEB0(("plaintorich: split done %d mS\n", chron.millis()));
+    LOGDEB2(("plaintorich: split done %d mS\n", chron.millis()));
     // Compute the positions for NEAR and PHRASE groups.
@@ -500,6 +500,6 @@
-    LOGDEB0(("plaintorich: done %d mS\n", chron.millis()));
+    LOGDEB2(("plaintorich: done %d mS\n", chron.millis()));
     return true;