--- a
+++ b/unac/unac.3
@@ -0,0 +1,390 @@
+''' Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002 Loic Dachary <loic@senga.org>
+''' This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+''' it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+''' the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+''' (at your option) any later version.
+''' This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+''' but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+''' GNU General Public License for more details.
+''' You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+''' along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+''' Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+.TH unac 3 local
+unac \- remove accents from string or character
+.ft CW
+#include <unac.h>
+const char* unac_version();
+int unac_string(const char* charset,
+		const char* in, int in_length,
+		char** out, int* out_length);
+int unac_string_utf16(const char* in, int in_length,
+		char** out, int* out_length);
+/* MACRO: side effect on unaccented and length */
+unac_char_utf16(unsigned short c, 
+                unsigned short* unaccented,
+                int length);
+const char* unac_version()
+ */
+void unac_debug(int level)
+/* typedef void (*unac_debug_print_t)(const char* message, void* data); */
+void unac_debug_callback(int level, unac_debug_print_t function, void* data)
+.ft R
+.I unac
+is a C library that removes accents from characters, regardless of the
+character set (ISO-8859-15, ISO-CELTIC, KOI8-RU...) as long as 
+.I iconv(3)
+is able to convert it into UTF-16 (Unicode).
+.B unac_string
+function is given a charset (ISO-8859-15 for instance) and a string. It
+converts the string into UTF-16 and calls the
+.B unac_string_utf16
+function to remove all accents from the UTF-16 version. The unaccented
+string is then converted into the original charset (ISO-8859-15 for
+instance) and sent back to the caller of 
+.B unac_string.
+.I unac
+does a little more than removing accents:
+every character that is made of two character such as 
+.B � 
+(ISO-8859-15 octal code 346)
+will be expanded in two characters
+.B a
+.B e.
+Should a character be made of three characters, it would be 
+decomposed in the same way.
+The conversion from and to UTF-16 is
+done with 
+.I iconv(3).
+.B iconv -l 
+will list all available charsets. Using UTF-16 as a pivot implies an
+overhead but ensures that accents can be removed from all character
+for which there is an equivalent character in Unicode.
+.B unac_char_utf16
+is a macro that returns a pointer to the unaccented equivalent
+of any UTF-16 character. It is the basic building block of 
+.I unac.
+.B unac_string_utf16
+repeatidly applies the 
+.B unac_char_utf16
+function on each character of an UTF-16 string.
+.B int unac_string(const char* charset, const char* in, int in_length, char** out, int* out_length)
+Returns the unaccented equivalent of the string
+.B 'in'
+of length
+.B 'in_length'.
+The returned string is stored in the pointer pointed by the
+.B 'out'
+argument and the length of the string is stored in the integer pointed by
+.B 'out_length '
+If the 
+.B '*out'
+pointer is not null, it must point to an area allocated by
+.I malloc(3)
+and the length of the array must be specified in the 
+.B '*out_length'
+argument. Both arguments 
+.B '*out'
+.B '*out_length'
+will be replaced with the return values when the function returns
+on success. The
+.B '*out'
+pointer may point to a memory location that has been reallocated 
+by the
+.B unac_string
+function. There is no guarantee that '*out' is identical to the
+value given by the caller and the malloc'ed memory location given
+by the caller may not be useable when the function returns (either
+error or success).
+If the
+.B '*out'
+pointer is null, the 
+.B unac_string 
+function allocates a new memory block using 
+.I malloc(3).
+It is the responsibility of the caller to deallocate the area returned
+in the
+.B '*out'
+The return value of
+.B unac_string
+is 0 on success and -1 on error, in which case
+the errno variable is set to the corresponding error code. See 
+ERROR section below for more information, the
+.I iconv(3)
+manual page may also help.
+int unac_string_utf16(const char* in, int in_length, char** out, int* out_length)
+Has the same effect as
+.B unac_string("UTF-16", in, in_length, out, out_length).
+Since the 
+.B unac_string_utf16 
+is the backend function of the
+.B unac_string
+function it is more efficient because no charset conversion of the
+input string (from and to UTF-16) is necessary.
+unac_char_utf16(const unsigned short c, unsigned short* p, int l)
+.B Warning: this is a macro, each argument may be evaluated more than once.
+Returns the unaccented equivalent of the UTF-16 character
+.B 'c'
+in the pointer
+.B 'p'. 
+The length of the unsigned short array pointed by
+.B 'p'
+is returned in the 
+.B 'l'
+.B const char* unac_version()
+Return the version number of
+.B unac.
+.B void unac_debug(int level)
+Set the debug level of the unac library to 
+.B 'level'.
+Possible values are: UNAC_DEBUG_NONE for no debug at all, UNAC_DEBUG_LOW
+for terse human readable information, UNAC_DEBUG_HIGH for very detailed
+information only usable when translating a few strings.
+unac_debug_callback with anything but UNAC_DEBUG_NONE is not
+thread safe.
+void unac_debug_callback(int level, unac_debug_print_t function, void* data)
+Set the debug level and define a printing function callback.
+.B 'level'
+is the same as in unac_debug. The
+.B 'function'
+is in charge of dealing with the debug messages,
+presumably to print them to the user. 
+.B 'data'
+is an opaque pointer that is passed along to
+.B function, should it
+need to manage a persistent context.
+The prototype of
+.B 'function'
+accepts two arguments. The first
+is the debug message 
+.I (const char*), 
+the second is the opaque
+pointer given as
+.B 'data' 
+argument to 
+.B unac_debug_callback.
+.B 'function'
+is NULL, messages are printed on the standard
+error output using fprintf(stderr...).
+unac_debug_callback with anything but UNAC_DEBUG_NONE is not
+thread safe.
+the requested conversion pair is not available. For instance, when
+specifying the ISO-0000 charset (imaginary), it means it is not possible to
+convert from ISO-0000 to UTF-16.
+Convert the 
+.B �t�
+string into
+.B ete.
+.ft CW
+#include <unac.h>
+char* out = 0;
+int out_length = 0;
+if(unac_string("ISO-8859-1", "�t�", strlen("�t�"), &out, &out_length)) {
+   perror("unac_string");
+} else {
+   printf("%.*s\n", out_length, out);
+   free(out);
+.ft R
+The endianess of the UTF-16 strings manipulated by 
+.I unac
+must always be big endian. When using 
+.I iconv(3) 
+to translate strings, UTF-16BE should be used instead of UTF-16 to make sure
+it is big endian (BE). On some systems where UTF-16BE is not available,
+.B unac
+will rely on UTF-16 and hope it is properly big endian encoded.
+For more information check RFC2781 (http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2781.html: UTF-16, 
+an encoding of ISO 10646).
+.I unac
+library uses the Unicode database to map accented letters to their unaccented
+equivalent. Mapping tables are generated from the 
+.I UnicodeData-3.2.0.txt
+file (as found at http://www.unicode.org/Public/3.2-Update/) by the 
+.I builder
+perl script. The
+.I builder
+script inserts these tables in the 
+.I unac.h
+.I unac.c
+files, replacing the existing ones. Looking for the
+.B 'Generated by builder'
+string in the
+.I unac.[ch]
+files allows to spot the various parts handled by the builder script.
+The library data occupies 25KB where a simple minded table would
+occupy around 512Kbytes. The idea used to compress the tables is that
+many Unicode characters do not have unaccented equivalent.  Instead of
+relying on a table mapping each Unicode character to the corresponding
+unaccented character, an intermediate array of pointers is created. In
+the drawing below, the range of UTF-16 character is not accurate but
+illustrates the method. The
+.B unac_data_table
+points to a set of
+.B unac_dataXX 
+arrays. Each pointer covers a range of UTF-16 characters (4 in the example
+below). When a range of character does not contain any accented character,
+unac_data_table always points to the same array : unac_data0. Since there
+are many characters without accents, this is enough to achieve a good 
+.ft CW
+      unac_data15                                   unac_data16
+[ NULL, NULL, NULL, e ] <----\       /------> [ a, NULL, NULL, NULL ]
+                             |       |
+                             |       |
+                             ^       ^
+          |-----| |-----| |-----| |-----| |-----| |-----|
+    [ ... a b c d e f g h i j k � � 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A... ] unac_data_table
+          |-----| |-----| |-----| |-----| |-----| |-----|
+              v      v                       v       v
+              |      |                       |       |
+              |      |                       |       |
+              \--------------------------------------/ 
+                                |
+                                V
+                    [ NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ]
+                             unac_data0
+.ft R
+Beside this simple optimization, a table (unac_positions) listing the
+actual position of the unaccented replacement within a block
+(unac_dataXX) is necessary because they are not of fixed length. Some
+characters such as 
+.B �
+be replaced by two characters 
+.B a
+.B e
+therefore unac_dataXX has a variable size.
+The unaccented equivalent of an UTF-16 character is calculated by
+applying a 
+.I compatibility decomposition 
+and then stripping all characters that belong to the 
+.I mark
+category. For a precise definition see the Unicode-3.2 normalization
+forms at http://www.unicode.org/unicode/reports/tr28/.
+All original Unicode data files were taken from
+http://www.unicode.org/Public and prepended with the 
+.B UCD Terms of Use.
+The input string must not contain partially formed characters, there is
+no support for this case.
+UTF-16 surrogates are not handled.
+Unicode may contain bugs in the decomposition of characters. When
+you suspect such a bug on a given string, add a test case with the
+faulty string in the
+.B t_unac.in
+test script in the source distribution and run
+make check. It will describe, in a very verbose way, how the string was 
+unaccented. You may then fix the UnicodeData-3.2.0.txt file and
+run make check again to make sure the problem is solved. Please
+send such fixes to the author and to the Unicode consortium.
+unaccent(1), iconv(3)
+.ft CW
+.ft R
+Loic Dachary loic@senga.org
+.ft CW
+.ft R