--- a/src/ylwrap
+++ b/src/ylwrap
@@ -42,13 +42,16 @@
     cmp -s "${tmpdir}"/$f "${inputdir}"/$f || cp -p "${tmpdir}"/$f "${inputdir}"
+# Note that we'd prefer to use wasaparse.h instead of wasaparse.hpp,
+# but automake generates a dist list with wasaparse.hpp, so no choice.
 # Fix the include line in y.tab.c (it wants to include y.tab.h, but we already
-# include it as wasaparse.h
+# include it as wasaparse.hpp
 (cd "${tmpdir}"; \
     sed -e 's/#include "y.tab.h"//' < y.tab.c > toto; \
     mv -f toto y.tab.c)
 cmp -s "${tmpdir}"/y.tab.c "${inputdir}"/wasaparse.cpp || \
         cp -p "${tmpdir}"/y.tab.c "${inputdir}"/wasaparse.cpp
-cmp -s "${tmpdir}"/y.tab.h "${inputdir}"/wasaparse.h || \
-        cp -p "${tmpdir}"/y.tab.h "${inputdir}"/wasaparse.h
+cmp -s "${tmpdir}"/y.tab.h "${inputdir}"/wasaparse.hpp || \
+        cp -p "${tmpdir}"/y.tab.h "${inputdir}"/wasaparse.hpp