--- a/src/qtgui/ssearch_w.cpp
+++ b/src/qtgui/ssearch_w.cpp
@@ -132,7 +132,8 @@
     if (tp == SST_LANG) {
 	string reason;
         if (prefs.autoSuffsEnable)
-            sdata = wasaStringToRcl(theconfig, u8, reason, (const char *)prefs.autoSuffs.toUtf8());
+            sdata = wasaStringToRcl(theconfig, u8, reason, 
+				    (const char *)prefs.autoSuffs.toUtf8());
             sdata = wasaStringToRcl(theconfig, u8, reason);
 	if (sdata == 0) {
@@ -140,49 +141,38 @@
-	if (prefs.ssearchAutoPhrase) {
-	    sdata->maybeAddAutoPhrase();
-	}
     } else {
 	sdata = new Rcl::SearchData(Rcl::SCLT_OR);
 	if (sdata == 0) {
 	    QMessageBox::warning(0, "Recoll", tr("Out of memory"));
-	// If there is no white space inside the query, then the user
-	// certainly means it as a phrase.
-	bool isreallyaphrase = false;
-	if (!TextSplit::hasVisibleWhite(u8))
-	    isreallyaphrase = true;
-	// Maybe add automatic phrase ? For ALL and ANY, and not if
-	// there is already a phrase or wildcard terms.
-	if (!isreallyaphrase && 
-	    prefs.ssearchAutoPhrase && (tp == SST_ANY || tp == SST_ALL) &&
-	    u8.find_first_of("\"*[]?") == string::npos && 
-	    TextSplit::countWords(u8) > 1) {
-	    sdata->addClause(new Rcl::SearchDataClauseDist(Rcl::SCLT_PHRASE, 
-							   u8, 0));
-	}
 	Rcl::SearchDataClause *clp = 0;
-	switch (tp) {
-	case SST_ANY:
-	default:
-	    clp = isreallyaphrase ? 
-		new Rcl::SearchDataClauseDist(Rcl::SCLT_PHRASE, u8, 0) :
-		new Rcl::SearchDataClauseSimple(Rcl::SCLT_OR, u8);
-	    break;
-	case SST_ALL:
-	    clp = isreallyaphrase ? 
-		new Rcl::SearchDataClauseDist(Rcl::SCLT_PHRASE, u8, 0) :
-		new Rcl::SearchDataClauseSimple(Rcl::SCLT_AND, u8);
-	    break;
-	case SST_FNM:
+	if (tp == SST_FNM) {
 	    clp = new Rcl::SearchDataClauseFilename(u8);
-	    break;
+	} else if (!TextSplit::hasVisibleWhite(u8)) {
+	    // If there is no white space inside the query, then the user
+	    // certainly means it as a phrase.
+	    clp = new Rcl::SearchDataClauseDist(Rcl::SCLT_PHRASE, u8, 0);
+	} else {
+	    // ANY or ALL, several words.
+	    if (tp == SST_ANY) {
+		clp = new Rcl::SearchDataClauseSimple(Rcl::SCLT_OR, u8);
+	    } else {
+		clp = new Rcl::SearchDataClauseSimple(Rcl::SCLT_AND, u8);
+	    }
+    }
+    if (prefs.ssearchAutoPhrase && rcldb) {
+	string stemLang = (const char *)prefs.queryStemLang.toAscii();
+	if (stemLang == "ALL") {
+	    theconfig->getConfParam("indexstemminglanguages", stemLang);
+	}
+	sdata->setStemlang(stemLang);
+	sdata->maybeAddAutoPhrase(*rcldb, 
+				  prefs.ssearchAutoPhraseThreshPC / 100.0);
     // Search terms history