Recoll KIO Slave notes/todoes/etc. Goal: access Recoll search from other applications. We want to allow URLs like recoll:/?? to be used inside Konqueror/Dolphin and open dialogs, to start a search with results displayed/used inside the application. Todoes ====== Implementation notes: ==================== - There are two main ways to do this: - a-la kio_beagle, using listDir() to list entries pointing to the different operations or objects (help, status, search result entries, bookmarks, whatever...). The nice thing is that the results really look like file object in a directory (probably, didn't try it actually), no need for look and feel, it's provided by KDE - Or a la strigi: all interactions are through html pages and get() operations. Much simpler, but does not allow file management operations (except by drag/drop from the result list), and can't use it inside other application's Open dialogs. Recoll is currently doing both things on KDE4.1 (only html for KDE4.0). Virtual tree: ============= recoll: recoll:/ recoll:/help.html recoll:/search.html Purely synthetic top level entries. Yes, given the following, this means that you can't search for 'help.html' directly (but you can do it through the html interface). These have to exist in the top level directory recoll:/some search string recoll:/some search string/ We have a 'mode' determined by the protocol name: recoll -> mixed recollf -> file manager - html mode: these redirect to recoll://search/query?q="some search string" - file manager mode: do the search and display results. - mixed mode: what mode is entered depends on ending / recoll://search/query?q=... html mode search recoll:/some search string/recollResultxyz xyz is the index in result list. When generating a directory, with use bogus names for the result entries (the displayed ones are from UDS_DISPLAY_NAME and are the real names). When doing drag/drop or "open with" Konqueror/Dolphin builds an url by concatenating the current directory name and the UDS_NAME, instead of using UDS_TARGET_URL as when the entry is clicked. This forces us to use identifying names including the result number, which has many ennoying side effects (such as the target app not knowing the real file path... KIO notes: ========= - Slaves are reused seemingly at random. Even with connection-oriented ones (ie ftp), you can have 2 konqueror windows on different hosts with only one slave which will have to close/reopen the connection at each switch. For slaves with really expensive internal state, this is very wasteful. - Use cases for father_url+name or target_url are ill defined. - Need a way to block autocompletion queries ! - No way to display the target URL in konqueror Todoes ====== - Improve the html interface to support more functions - Category filtering - Sorting - Find a way to use the html form to enter the query and get the results as a directory ? - Would it be possible to use a redirect to switch to the directory-oriented results for a query from the html form ? -> No, even a redirect to a form that would initially trigger a listDir() triggers a get() when performed from a get() KDE misc notes ================== Debug areas: /usr/share/kde4/config/kdebug.areas kdebugdialog [--fullmode] pour configurer ./.kde/share/config/kdebugrc Output to ~/.xession-errors by default. How to change ? kio_recoll misc notes: =========================== Probleme quand l'url se termine par un / et qu'on edite le mot, konqueror lance une recherche a chaque lettre. Apparemment c'est l'entree "listing" du .protocol qui decide si le plugin est traité plutot comme un dirlister ou comme un htmlgetter. Curieusement, le changement ne s'opere pas toujours immediatement quand on change le fichier .proto, y compris apres avoir tue tous les process kde (changement ŕ la deuxieme execution de konqueror sur kde4.0). Sur kde4.0 il faut que le .proto soit sans entree "listing" Problemes de gestion de l'etat =============================== Les KIO slaves ne sont pas associes a une fenetre ! ils sont reutilises au hasard, et leur etat n'a aucune raison de correspondre a celui de l'affichage. On peut tres bien avoir 1 fenetre 2 kio ou 1 kio deux fenetres, et le next d'un search peut arriver au kio qui a l'autre search, donc n'importenaouak. Il faudrait que l'etat soit partage et accede par un identifiant uniquement determine par l'url de la fenetre. Meme pour une fenetre unique, au bout d'un moment le kio timeout et exite. En fait les slaves ne peuvent pas stocker d'etat du tout. Donc: - soit un serveur central auquel ils parlent - soit ils relancent dynamiquement les recherches si pas de match C'est vrai aussi bien pour les dirlists que pour la version html. J'ai essaye de mettre une boucle timeout callback callspecial() mais ca ne sert a rien, c'est gere dans le process kio_slave, ca ne maintient pas l'association avec un konqueror. KDE_FORK_SLAVES sort of solves the problem in a limited way: - It applies to an application instance, not a KIO slave type, so it affects other KIO usages. - If the application has 2 sessions with the same KIO there are no warranties that 1 kio per session will be used ? Old KDE3 notes, =============== kio_recoll has not been checked or worked under KDE3 for eons, no reason to believe it works. - Not using libtool. Probably should. compilation flags in the Makefile were copy-pasted from a kdebase compilation tree on FreeBSD (kio/man). - You MUST install a in lib/kde3 along with, else kdeinit won't be able to load the lib (probably uses the libltdl thingy?). The one in this directory was duplicated/adjusted from The contents don't seem too critical, just needs to exist. - If you want to try, compile, then install wherever kde keeps its plugins (ie: lib/kde3), and recoll.protocol in the services directory (share/services ? look for other .protocol file). - I saw after doing the build/config mockup that kdevelop can generate a kio_slave project. This might be the next thing to do. otoh would need to separate the kio from the main source to avoid having to distribute 2megs of kde build config files. Connected mode ============== Tried to add bogus connection status to see if this would prevent switching between apps/slaves, doesnt... checked that's the same for kio_ftp void RecollProtocol::openConnection() { kDebug(); connected(); } void RecollProtocol::closeConnection() { kDebug(); } void RecollProtocol::setHost(const QString& host, quint16, const QString&, const QString&) { kDebug() << host; } void RecollProtocol::slave_status() { kDebug(); slaveStatus("search", true); } + connected(); call in maybeopendb()