== Laptops: starting or stopping indexing according to AC power status For people using real time indexing on a laptop, kind user "The Doctor" contributed a script to automatically start and stop indexing according to power status. The script can be found here: link:https://opensourceprojects.eu/p/recoll1/code/ci/144da4a5caa2b39d23d9d7cf262f03b6d80a4739/tree/src/desktop/recoll_index_on_ac.sh[recoll_index_on_ac.sh] To use it, you need to copy it somewhere (e.g.: '/usr/bin', but any place will do), make it executable (`chmod a+x recoll_index_on_ac.sh`), and edit '~/.config/autostart/recollindex.desktop' Change the following line: Exec=recollindex -w 60 -m to something like the following (depending where you copied the script): Exec=/usr/bin/recoll_index_on_ac.sh You may also want to change '/usr/share/recoll/examples/recollindex.desktop', otherwise your change will be reverted the next time you toggle real time indexing through the GUI. And, yes, sorry about it, _this_ change will be lost on the next Recoll update, so save a copy.