--- a/content.js
+++ b/content.js
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
 var isFirefox;
 var menuAction;
-var iconFound;
 var autosave;
 var httpsalso;
@@ -28,8 +27,7 @@
 /* Initialize on script load */
-    function(object)
-    {
+    function(object) {
         /* Load environment */
         isFirefox = object["environment-isfirefox"];
@@ -40,22 +38,22 @@
-console.log("SAVEPAGE: window.addEventListener(load)");
 /* Add listeners */
 function addListeners()
-        function(event)
-        {
+        function(event) {
             console.log("SAVEPAGE: document.readyState " + document.readyState);
-            if (document.readyState == "complete")
-                maybeSave();
+            if (document.readyState == "complete") {
+                console.log("SAVEPAGE: protocol " + document.location.protocol);
+                if (autosave &&
+                    (document.location.protocol == "http:" ||
+                     (httpsalso && document.location.protocol == "https:"))) {
+                    maybeSave();
+                }
+            }
         }, false);
     /* Storage changed listener */
@@ -120,102 +118,187 @@
     if (menuAction == 0) {
         /* Save page */
         htmlStrings.length = 0;
-        htmlStrings[0] = "���";  /* UTF-8 Byte Order Mark (BOM) - 0xEF 0xBB 0xBF */
-        maybeSave();
+        doSave();
+/* Copied from tested module in ../tested/wildcard.js */
+function wildcard2RE(s)
+    /* Quote some characters which are not special for wildcard exprs
+       (or which we don't want to support), and are special for
+       regexps */
+    s = s.replace(/([\.\+\{\}\^\$])/g, "\\$1");
+    /* Replace unescaped question marks with '.' and '*' with '.*'
+       Note that this does not work if the backslash is itself
+       escaped in the wildcard exp. Also we don't match / or : */
+    s = s.replace(/(^|[^\\])\?/g, "$1[^/]").replace(/(^|[^\\])\*/g,"$1[^/]*")
+    /* Replace '!' as first character of bracketed expr with '^' */
+    s = s.replace(/(^|[^\\])\[!/g, "$1[^");
+    /* Anchor expression */
+    return "^" + s + "$";
+function wildcardMatch(e, v)
+    var re =  RegExp(wildcard2RE(e));
+    /*console.log("RE: " + re + " V: [" + v + "] result: " + re.test(v))*/
+    return re.test(v);
+/* End copied code ***************/
 function maybeSave()
+    var location = document.location;
     console.log("SAVEPAGE: maybeSave. mtype " + document.contentType +
                 " url " + document.location.href);
-    chrome.runtime.sendMessage({type: "setSaveBadge", text: "SAVE",
-                                color: "#E00000" });
-    generateHTML();
-function generateHTML()
-    var i,j,mimetype,charset,htmlBlob,objectURL,documentURL;
-    var filename,datestr,link;
-    var pathsegments = new Array();
-    var date = new Date();
-    console.log("SAVEPAGE: generateHTML");
-    chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ type: "setSaveBadge", text: "SAVE", color: "#0000E0" });
-    /* Save to file using HTML5 download attribute */
-    htmlStrings.length = 0;
-    htmlStrings[0] = document.documentElement.outerHTML;
-    htmlBlob = new Blob(htmlStrings, { type: "text/x-recoll-html" });    
-    objectURL = window.URL.createObjectURL(htmlBlob);
-    htmlStrings.length = 0;
-    documentURL = new URL(document.baseURI,"about:blank");
-    /* Generate file name */
-    if (document.title == "") {
-        pathsegments = documentURL.pathname.split("/");
-        filename = pathsegments.pop();
-        if (filename == "") filename = pathsegments.pop();
-        filename = decodeURIComponent(filename);
-        i = filename.lastIndexOf(".");
-        if (i < 0) {
-            filename = filename + ".html";
-        } else {
-            filename = filename.substring(0,i) + ".html";
+    /* We are only called from the automatic save after load situation, and 
+       the protocol (http or https), and checks against
+       autosave/httpsalso were performed in the listener.
+       So we just need to check the url against the selection/exclusion lists.
+    */
+    var lists = ['recoll.exclude.list', 'recoll.include.list'];
+    var flags = [false, false];
+    var hostname = location.hostname;
+    var href = location.href;
+    for(var j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
+        var list = JSON.parse(prefObject[lists[j]]);
+        var len = list.length;
+        var flag = false;
+        for(var i = 0; i < len && !flag; i++) {
+            var lpattern = list[i]['pattern'];
+            switch(list[i]['patternType']) {
+            case 'domain':
+                // www.google.com matched by google.com and .com
+                // www.agoogle.com not matched by google.com but matched by com
+                // www.com.google. not matched by .com
+                var pattern = lpattern;
+                if (pattern[0] != '.')
+                    pattern = "." + pattern;
+                flag = hostname.endsWith(pattern) || (hostname == lpattern);
+                console.log("Host match [" + lpattern + "] to [" +
+                            hostname + "] -> " + flag);
+                break;
+            case 'wildcard':
+                flag = wildcardMatch(lpattern, href);
+                console.log("Wildcard match [" + lpattern + "] to [" + href +
+                            "] -> " + flag);
+                break;
+            case 'regexp':
+                var re = RegExp(list[i]['pattern']);
+                flag = (href.match(re) != null)
+                console.log("Regexp match [" + lpattern + "] to [" + href +
+                            "] -> " + flag);
+                break;
+            default:
+                this.debuglog("invalid rule" + list[i]);
+                // something wrong;
+                break;
+            }
-    } else {
-        filename = document.title + ".html";
+        flags[j] = flag;
+    console.log("Should Index ? Exclude list match: " + flags[0] + 
+                ". Include list match: " + flags[1]);
+    // flags[0]: exclude. flags[1]: include
+    if(!flags[0] && !flags[1])
+        return prefObject['recoll.default.action'] == 1;
+    if(flags[0] && flags[1])
+        return prefObject['recoll.conflict.action'] == 1;
+    return flags[1];
+    doSave();
+/* Return the content base file name for a given URL */
+function getContentName(url)
+    return "recoll-we-c-" + recoll_md5.hex_md5(url);
+/* Return the metadata base file name path for a given url */
+function getMetaName(url)
+    return "recoll-we-m-" + recoll_md5.hex_md5(url);
+function metadata(url, contentType, charset)
+    var meta = [
+        url + "\n",
+        "WebHistory\n",
+        contentType + "\n",
+        "k:_unindexed:encoding=" + charset + "\n"
+    ];
+    return meta;
+function downloadDataThroughLink(data, filename)
+    var blob, objURL, link;
+    function handleClick(event)
+    {
+        event.stopPropagation();
+    }
+    blob = new Blob(data, {type: "text/x-recoll-data"});
+    objURL = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
     link = document.createElement("a");
     link.download = filename;
+    link.href = objURL;
+    console.log("SAVEPAGE: generate link click for filename " + filename +
+                " href " + link.href);
+    document.body.appendChild(link);
+    link.addEventListener("click", handleClick, true);
+    link.click();
+    link.removeEventListener("click", handleClick, true);
+    console.log("SAVEPAGE: clicked link");
+    window.setTimeout(
+        function() {
+            document.body.removeChild(link);
+            window.URL.revokeObjectURL(objURL);
+            chrome.runtime.sendMessage({type: "setSaveBadge",
+                                        text: "", color: "#000000" });
+        }, 200);
+function doSave()
+    var i,j,mimetype, filename
+    console.log("SAVEPAGE: doSave");
+    chrome.runtime.sendMessage({type: "setSaveBadge", text: "SAVE",
+                                 color: "#0000E0" });
+    /* Save metadata to file using HTML5 download attribute */
+    let meta = metadata(document.location.href, document.contentType,
+                        document.characterSet);
+    filename = getMetaName(document.location.href);
+    downloadDataThroughLink(meta, filename);
     if(document.contentType.match(/(text|html|xml)/i)) {
-        if(document.contentType.match(/(pdf)/i)) {
-            /* Does not work: get WebExtensions context not found */
-            link.href = document.location.href;
-        } else {
-            link.href = objectURL;
-        }
-        console.log("SAVEPAGE: link.href is " + link.href);
-        document.body.appendChild(link);
-        link.addEventListener("click",handleClick,true);
-        link.click();  /* save page as .html file */
-        link.removeEventListener("click",handleClick,true);
-        console.log("SAVEPAGE: clicked link");
+        /* Save data to file using HTML5 download attribute */
+        htmlStrings.length = 0;
+        htmlStrings[0] = document.documentElement.outerHTML;
+        filename = getContentName(document.location.href);
+        downloadDataThroughLink(htmlStrings, filename);
+        htmlStrings.length = 0;
+    } else {
+        console.log("SAVEPAGE: send download message for " +
+                    document.location.href + " filename " + filename);
+        filename = getContentName(document.location.href);
         chrome.runtime.sendMessage({type: "downloadFile",
                                     location: document.location.href,
-                                    filename: filename});
-        window.setTimeout(
-            function()
-            {
-                document.body.removeChild(link);
-                window.URL.revokeObjectURL(objectURL);
-                chrome.runtime.sendMessage({type: "setSaveBadge",
-                                            text: "", color: "#000000" });
-            }, 100);
-        function handleClick(event)
-        {
-            event.stopPropagation();
-        }
-    } else {
-        if (1) {
-            console.log("SAVEPAGE: send download message for " +
-                        document.location.href + " filename " + filename);
-            chrome.runtime.sendMessage({type: "downloadFile",
-                                        location: document.location.href,
-                                        filename: filename });
-        } else {
-            resourceLocation[0] = document.location.href;
-            console.log("SAVEPAGE: sendMessage loadResource for " +
-                        resourceLocation[0]);
-            chrome.runtime.sendMessage({type: "loadResource",
-                                        index: 0, location: resourceLocation[0],
-                                        pagescheme: documentURL.protocol});
-        }
+                                    filename: filename });