--- a
+++ b/README.rst
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+Recoll WebUI
+**Recoll WebUI** is a Python-based web interface for **Recoll** text search
+tool for Unix/Linux.
+* WebUI homepage: https://github.com/koniu/recoll-webui
+* Recoll homepage: http://www.lesbonscomptes.com/recoll
+All you need to use the WebUI is:
+* Python 2.x
+* Recoll 1.18.1+
+* web browser
+**Recoll WebUI** can be used as a standalone application or through a web
+server via WSGI/CGI. Regardless of the mode of operation you need Recoll
+to be configured on your system as the WebUI only provides a front-end for
+searching and does not handle index configuration etc.
+Run ``webui-standalone.py`` and connect to ``http://localhost:8080``.
+To change the default port, edit ``webui-standalone.py``.
+Can't open files when Recoll WebUI is running on a server
+By default links to files in the result list correspond to the file's
+physical location on the server. If you have access to the file tree
+via a local mountpoint or eg. ftp/http you can provide replacement
+URLs in the WebUI settings. If in doubt, ask your network administrator.
+Opening files via local links
+For security reasons modern browsers prevent linking to local content from
+'remote' pages. As a result URLs starting with file:// will not, by default,
+be opened when linked from anything else than pages in file:// or when
+accessed directly from the address bar. Here's ways of working around it:
+1. Insert contents of ``examples/firefox-user.js`` into
+   ``~/.mozilla/firefox/<profile>/user.js``
+2. Restart Firefox
+Install *LocalLinks* extension:
+* http://code.google.com/p/locallinks/
+* https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/locallinks/jllpkdkcdjndhggodimiphkghogcpida
+1. Copy ``examples/opera-open.sh`` into your PATH (eg. ``/usr/local/bin``)
+2. Go to ``Tools > Preferences > Advanced > Programs > Add``
+3. In ``Protocol`` field enter ``local-file``
+4. Select ``Open with other application`` and enter ``opera-open.sh``
+5. In WebUI settings replace all ``file://`` with ``local-file://``