Projects come with a number of Tools, which can be configured and adjusted to your needs.

Project Setup

The first thing to do to setup your project is to create a solid description, so folks coming to your page can figure out what the project is all about. You'll then want to input information about the project, and we'll make sure all this relevant information gets added to the project directory.


You can create documentation, post proposed feature descriptions, and discuss these shared documents.


Source Control Management will help you keep track of code changes over time. A repository has already been created, checkout, add files and upload code.


With this issue tracker you can keep track of items of work that need to be done. You can create one or more trackers for bugs, enhancements, tasks, that will help you plan and manage your development process.


To use the forums, create a couple of forums, post introductory messages, and check out the spam controll/post moderation options.


To hierarchically organise you projects you can create one or more subprojects inside a project. Subprojects work like regular projects but they appear as items in the project sidebar instead of the main project list.