This tool provides a converter from Archi models to the Domain-Independent Ontology (DIO). It comes in two flavours - (1) as a plugin to Archi, and (2) as a standalone command-line tool *** Building - Prerequisites - Archi Version 2.6.0 (potentially also higher) -- Java Development Kit >= 1.6 installed -- ANT installed - run "ant dist" from the project root folder. This will call the dist-standalone and dist-plugin tasks to build both flavours - alternatively, you can just run the specific dist-*** task that you want. *** Installation Copy the generated jar file dist/net.timbusproject.context.archi2owl-plugin.jar to the "plugins" directory in your Archi installation folder *** Running the tool - Prerequisite: Java Runtime Environment >= 1.6 installed (1) Archi plugin Just select File -> Export -> TIMBUS Owl (2) run java -jar dist/net.timbusproject.context.archi2owl-standalone.jar -i -o where is the Archi archimate file, and will contain the converted OWL instance