git clone timbus-context-population-extractors-taverna-extractor

File Date Author Commit
META-INF 2014-11-03 munterberger munterberger [73c6e7] fixed provenance issues
samples 2014-05-07 munterberger munterberger [50d445] initial project import from internal SVN
src 2014-11-03 munterberger munterberger [73c6e7] fixed provenance issues
.gitignore 2014-10-14 munterberger munterberger [8d1358] merge with current master; minor changes in the... 2014-10-14 munterberger munterberger [8d1358] merge with current master; minor changes in the... 2014-06-30 munterberger munterberger [578508] improve arguments handing again; add repoBundle...
TavernaToArchiMapping.txt 2014-06-26 munterberger munterberger [f9a9cc] improve arguments handing
build.xml 2014-10-14 munterberger munterberger [8d1358] merge with current master; minor changes in the...
pom.xml 2014-11-03 munterberger munterberger [73c6e7] fixed provenance issues

Read Me

Taverna2Archi OSGi Bundle

Link to the official website:

This OSGi bundle encapsulates following feature: Converts a Taverna 2.4/2.5 worfklow to an Archimate model regarding specification 2.1.


  • JRE 1.7+
  • Apache Ant 1.9+ for building
  • DOT (comes with Graphviz). Is not mandatory


  • Path to the Taverna workflow input file (*.t2flow)
  • Path to the generated output file (*.generated.archimate)


At the moment, the following activitied are supported.

  • Beanshell script
  • RShell
  • Tool innvocation
  • Text constant
  • WSDL/Rest Services

All other activities will cause an ClassNotFoundException.
To suppress that error, add the stated dependency to the classpath.
In case you have successfully executed the workflow once,
the dependency should be available somewhere in the repository location of the Taverna installation directory.
But keep in mind: That activity won't be processed by the tool correctly!