Twitter4J example scripts Follow the below steps to run the examples: 1. configure consumer key / secret Go to, register an app and get your app's consumer key/secret pair at[appid]/show. Save those values to 2. run run and follow the instruction and get your access token. Access token will be stored in 3. run examples you want. Now OAuth credentials are ready. You can run any examples. - Files in this directory - script to acquire OAuth access token. need to run before executing examples that requires authorization. logback.xml - logging configuration. see for the detail. readme.txt - this file - script configures JAVA_HOME end classpath system variables - Twitter4J configuration - Directory structure account/ - Account resources examples async/ - Async API examples block/ - Block resources examples directmessage/ - Direct Message resources examples favorite/ - Favorite resources examples friendsandfollowers/ - Friends and Followers resources examples friendship/ - Friendship resources examples geo/ - Geo resources examples help/ - Help resources examples json/ - Raw JSON handling examples legal/ - Legal resources examples list/ - List resources examples listmembers/ - List Members resources examples listsubscribers/ - List Subscribers resources examples misc/ - resources examples notification/ - Miscellaneous resources examples savedsearches/ - Saved Searches resources examples search/ - resources examples spamreporting/ - Spam Reporting resources examples stream/ - Streamed Tweets resources examples timeline/ - Timeline resources examples trends/ - Trends resources examples tweets/ - Tweets resources examples user/ - User resources examples